Monthly Archives: <span>July 2010</span>

The Physics Behind Business

How to Apply the Laws of Nature to Life and Businesses Running a business is part of life. And life is subject to the laws of nature. Therefore, it is logical that business must also follow natural laws. Just think …

New Markets

The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of 25,000 coverages and programs. To find additional markets, or to submit markets, go to Oil & Gas Risks Market Detail: Towerstone Inc.’s energy practice has recently teamed with Hallmark …

E&O Insights: E&S Market Fraught with Landmines

Valuable E&S Market Must Be Navigated With Care For probably as long as the concept of insurance has been in existence, so has the excess and surplus (E&S) lines marketplace. It no doubt plays an extremely vital role in our …

Insurance Journal’s Academy of Insurance Instructor Ryan Gears Up for Performance, Leadership Sessions

How to Have Tough Conversations with Employees and Leadership Training Top Webinar Schedule Kathy Ryan is no stranger to the challenges of leadership in the workplace. For two years, she’s been coaching executives of large companies on how to have …

Make Your Agency Look Big – Even If It’s Not

Small Agencies Are Bigger Than They Think The problem with being a small insurance agency in the land of marketing giants is that it’s hard to be taken seriously. Why should a consumer or business buy from a little neighborhood …

Swett & Crawford Goes Global With Cooper Gay

Swett & Crawford, one of the nation’s largest and oldest wholesale insurance brokerage firms, and London-based independent wholesale, reinsurance and specialist broker Cooper Gay, completed negotiations to form a combined entity under a new unified holding company on July 9, …

Webinar to Help P/C Agents Benefit from Health Insurance Boom Under Reform Law

For independent insurance agents, upcoming healthcare reform could be an opportunity to gain a bigger share of the health insurance and benefits market, provided they can properly advise their customers about their options, according to experts. Insurance Journal is partnering …

Ex-Marsh Executives’ Bid-Rigging Convictions Tossed on New Evidence

A New York judge has thrown out the convictions of two former Marsh & McLennan Cos. executives for their roles in an insurance bid-rigging scheme that led to an $850 million settlement with the state. The defendants William Gilman and …

Small Businesses Pay 33% of Rising Tort Costs Out-of-Pocket

A new study from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce shows that small businesses shoulder a sizable burden of the nation’s tort liability costs, having paid $105.4 billion in 2008 – a third of it out of their own pockets. According …

Wash. Court Dumps Notice for Malpractice Lawsuits

The Washington state Supreme Court said it is unconstitutional to require 90 days notice before suing a doctor, marking the second time in less than a year the court has rejected a legislative attempt to reform medical malpractice lawsuits. The …