Monthly Archives: <span>July 2010</span>

The Doctors Co. to Acquire American Physicians Capital

The Doctors Co., a national insurer of physician and surgeon medical liability, will acquire American Physicians Capital Inc. (APCapital), an East Lansing, Mich.-based provider of healthcare liability insurance, in a transaction that is expected to close in the fourth quarter …

Tennessee Court Denies Claim By Wife Whose Husband Burned Home

A Tennessee woman whose terminally-ill husband burned down his house in an attempted suicide is not entitled to collect under policies for the house and autos destroyed in the fire. The Tennessee Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court …

Climate Scientists Praise Report on Hacked E-mail Scandal

Leading climate scientists on Thursday welcomed a British report that cleared researchers of exaggerating the effects of global warming and said they hoped it would restore faith in the fight against climate change [See IJ web site –]. The …

ACE Group Appoints Six New Global Client Executives

The ACE Group of insurance and reinsurance companies has announced the appointment of six additional global client executives in four countries: Jeff Carr and Shaun Edwards in London, Olivier Roussel in Paris, Wolfgang Ruffert in Frankfurt, Andrea Pearson in Los …

Brokers in London Market Survey ‘More Positive’ about Lloyd’s

“Brokers are now significantly more positive about conducting business at Lloyd’s than two years ago,” according to a survey of the Lloyd’s market from part of the Gracechurch London Market Study 2010, an independent annual study by an insurance consultancy. …

Michigan Officials Say Serial Aronist at Work in Pontiac

Pontiac authorities say a serial arsonist is responsible for a spate of recent fires. Since March, 16 unoccupied homes and apartments have been torched throughout the Detroit suburb about 20 miles north-northwest of Detroit. Eleven have been set ablaze during …

Kentucky Officials Warn Over Mine Collapses

State mine safety workers are meeting face-to-face with coal miners at the job site to urge them to be vigilant about potential underground collapses, which have killed four miners in Kentucky this year. Mine Safety and Licensing Director Johnny Greene …

Insurance Covers Repairs to Nashville Public Works Hit by Floods

Local taxpayers in Nashville will largely be off the hook for the costs of repairing public facilities damaged by severe flooding in May. The Tennessean quoted Metro Nashville Finance Director Rich Riebeling, who said the estimated cost of fixing public …

IMF Raises 2010 World Wide GDP Forecast; Flags European Risks

The International Monetary Fund upgraded its 2010 global growth forecast on Thursday, citing robust expansion in Asia and renewed U.S. private demand, but warned the euro area’s debt crisis posed a big risk to recovery. The IMF said the euro …

Ariel Re Granted Brazil License

Bermuda-based Ariel Reinsurance Company Ltd. announced the opening of a representative office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and its approval as an admitted reinsurer by the Brazilian insurance regulator, Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP). Ariel Re’ said its “initial focus …