Monthly Archives: <span>July 2010</span>

Business Moves

First Insurance Hawaii, AXIS Hawaii Insurance Commissioner J.P. Schmidt announced the formation of a business association between First Insurance Company of Hawaii (FICOH) and AXIS Insurance Co. Through this program, AXIS Insurance Co. will offer hurricane insurance to new and …

Report IDs Pacific Northwest as ‘Mega-Earthquake’ Hotspot

The Pacific Northwest is one of five regions in the world most likely to see a mega-earthquake, according to a new report. “When The Earth Moves: Mega-Earthquakes To Come?” published by Aon Benfield in conjunction with the Aon Benfield UCL …


EPIC (Edgewood Partners Insurance Center) added Tina Brink as a senior account executive in its Folsom, Calif., office, and Lori Perry as a senior account executive in its San Francisco office. Brink brings more than 18 years of experience in …

It Figures

77.2% In most hurricane-prone states, homeowners have few choices for insurance coverage, with just eight property and casualty insurers in each state controlling up to 77.2 percent of the market share, according to Weiss Ratings. Weiss identified Florida, Louisiana, North …

2010 A Revolutionary Year for Truckers Insurance

The year 2010 might be considered revolutionary, as it is ushering in more changes for those who provide insurance for truckers than the industry has seen in a decade. Motor carriers, defined as anyone who uses a vehicle that has …

Court Rules in Favor of Calif. State Compensation Workers

About 7,900 employees of California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund are entitled to back pay after a state appeals court ruled in their favor over furloughs. The First District Court of Appeal in San Francisco ruled that the same state law …


Lump Sum for Future Loss “If they don’t like it, they can reject the lump sum.” —Kenneth Feinberg, head of the $20 billion BP spill compensation fund, said at some stage he would offer claimants a lump sum for all …

20% of Drivers Would Flunk Test

The nation’s most knowledgeable drivers are in Kansas, Oregon, South Dakota and Minnesota, while the least knowledgeable are in California, the District of Columbia, New Jersey and New York. That’s according to results from the 2010 GMAC Insurance National Drivers …

Construction Claims: Understanding Colorado’s Statutory Notice of Claim Process

In the construction industry, it is almost inevitable that at some time contractors and design professionals will receive a notice of claim (NOC) letter. This is the first step in the claims process that may lead to an informal settlement …

Congress’s inability to act leaves many in flood prone areas vulnerable – for the second time this year and the fourth in 12 months’ time. When it rains it pours, as the saying goes. By extension, one could say that …