Monthly Archives: <span>July 2010</span>

It’s Nothing Personal … Just Business

Businesses Accounts Are Vulnerable When It Comes to Financial Computer Fraud People use the phrase “it’s nothing personal, just business” all the time. It covers a wide range of topics and situations. If you change that statement by one word …


The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) elected David Wood, vice president and partner at Bogan, Dunlap & Wood Insurance in Odessa, to serve as the association’s president for 2010-2011. Other newly elected officers are: President-Elect Bob Shepard with Shepard …

Actuarially Sound Rates Remain Elusive Along Texas Gulf Coast

Insurance company interests have long held that the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association charges rates that are not actuarially sound for the risks it insures, making it impossible for private insurers to compete for business in the areas TWIA serves. Those …


Lump Sum for Future Loss “If they don’t like it, they can reject the lump sum.” —Kenneth Feinberg, head of the $20 billion BP spill compensation fund, said at some stage he would offer claimants a lump sum for all …

FEMA: States Need Time to Review Flood Map

After facing strong opposition during a public meeting in Arkansas, a top federal official wants to give cities and towns in the Mississippi Delta more time to review maps that outline where flood insurance would be required. Craig Fugate, administrator …

77.2% In most hurricane-prone states, homeowners have few choices for insurance coverage, with just eight property and casualty insurers in each state controlling up to 77.2 percent of the market share, according to Weiss Ratings. Weiss identified Florida, Louisiana, North …

Oklahoma Placing Pegasus Insurance into Rehabilitation

A district court judge has authorized Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland to place Pegasus Insurance Co. into rehabilita-tion. Pegasus specializes in workers’ compensation for professional employer organizations (PEOs), or employee leasing entities, according to information posted on the company’s Web …

2010 a Revolutionary Year for Truckers Insurance

The year 2010 might be considered revolutionary, as it is ushering in more changes for those who provide insurance for truckers than the industry has seen in a decade. Motor carriers, defined as anyone who uses a vehicle that has …

Louisiana AG to Feinberg: Keep State in the Loop

While the claims process related to the BP oil spill may be improving, Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell still wants to keep tabs on it. A Louisiana district court judge in June approved Caldwell’s request to investigate BP. The AG …

For Gulf Oil Disaster Victims, Claims Process Improves for Some

The first time Louisiana shrimp boat captain Louis Buteaux filed a claim with BP Plc to recoup oil spill losses, he was told he didn’t have enough paperwork to prove he actually was the skipper. So he only got $2,500 …