Monthly Archives: <span>March 2011</span>

NYC Marks 100th Anniversary of Deadly Factory Fire

Hundreds of people gathered Friday in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village neighborhood to mark the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire that killed 146 people and helped galvanize the U.S. labor movement. Many said they had come to honor the …

Chartis Receives High Response for Fuji Fire Share Offer

Chartis, the general insurance subsidiary of American International Group, has announced the results of its cash tender offer by its wholly owned subsidiary, Chartis Japan Capital Company, LLC, for all of the outstanding common shares and stock acquisition rights of …

IFRIMA Joins Call for Brazil to Rollback Insurance Law Changes

The International Federation of Risk and Insurance Management Associations (IFRIMA) has called for Brazil to reconsider two legislative resolutions, which it describes as “harmful to Brazil’s interests in having a modern insurance system, taking into consideration the international reinsurance and …

Liberty Mutual Brazil Syndicates Expand Presence

Liberty Mutual first established a Syndicate presence in Brazil in 2009, when it set up operations for its Lloyd’s syndicates in Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. However, it’s already outgrown the original office, and is moving to new and …

Tennessee Gov. Haslam Offers Compromise on Damages Cap

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam has offered a compromise on his proposal to limit lawsuit damages, drafting a change to the bill that would exempt catastrophic cases from the caps he wants to impose on most awards. The Republican governor’s original …

Florida Hears First Community’s Home Rates; OKs Dwelling Increase

Florida regulators held a public hearing last week to consider the First Community Insurance Co.’s request to raise its homeowner rates a statewide average by 23.3 percent. The company said there are two driving forces behind the rate proposal. One …

Texas Wind Pool Names New Acting General Manager

The board of the insurer of last resort for property along the Texas coast has named a new acting general manager and is moving forward with a search for an interim general manager. Randy Wipf, a current employee of the …

Who’s Worth What in the Independent Agency System? Find Out … Join IJ’s Survey

Insurance Journal is polling insurance agents and brokers nationwide in its annual search to find out who’s worth what in the independent agency system. Don’t miss out on your chance to participate. The 2011 Agency Salary Survey results will be …

California Insurer Association Names New Board Leadership

Members of the Association of California Insurance Companies (ACIC) nominated and appointed a new chair, vice chair, and board of directors to serve for a two-year term. Kathleen Bissell, assistant vice president of Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., has completed her …

Ohio Workers’ Comp Bureau Finds Fraud at 6 Postal Contractors

Six postal contractors in Ohio have been sanctioned for workers’ compensation fraud, state regulators say. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) said a task force created by its Special Investigations Department (SID) in collaboration with the US Postal Service …