Monthly Archives: <span>March 2011</span>

Mississippi Challenge

Incumbent Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney, a Republican, will face opposition in his bid for re-election. Louis Fondren, a Democrat, who ran for governor in 2007, is running against Chaney. Fondren, an attorney and real estate broker, is a former …

Georgia Court Rules CGL Covers Contractor’s Faulty Work

A general contractor can recover from its subcontractor’s insurers for the cost of repairs for damage to surrounding property resulting from the subcontractor’s faulty workmanship, the Georgia Supreme Court has held. The state’s highest court found that negligent construction is …

Florida Moves on Two Troubled Insurers

Two Florida insurers are facing regulatory action as the state’s Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) ordered commercial insurer AequiCap Insurance Co. into liquidation and suspended the license of insurer Seminole Casualty Insurance Co. The Fort Lauderdale-based AequiCap was taken over …

Florida Lawmakers Aim to Shrink State Insurer Citizens

Florida lawmakers are looking to cut the state’s largest property insurer down in size. The plan is to reduce the number of properties insured by Citizens Property Insurance Corp. by raising its rates and stopping it from insuring high-valued homes …

Florida Interests Unite to Battle PIP Fraud

Florida insurers, government agencies and consumer advocate groups have established a statewide alliance to push for legislative reforms aimed at cracking-down on staged-accidents that the industry says are costing Florida drivers nearly $100 higher in annual premiums. The Sunshine Alliance …

Business Moves

Tower Hill, Royal Palm The sixth largest insurance company writing property coverage in Florida is looking to increase its market share by acquiring the 14 biggest property insurer in the state. Tower Hill Insurance Group has finalized its purchase of …

Designated Driver Services Steering Drinkers to Safety

The evolution of the cab has come. Those who enjoy a night of drinking can now hire a company to give them rides home in their own car instead of in one of the yellow checkered variety. Leaders of BeMyDD, …


Soft Ending “For commercial lines, what we’re seeing is we’re still seeing declines in premiums year-over-year, but what we’re looking at is a point and a half whereas a year ago we might have been seeing nine, 10 percent decline …

BrickStreet to Drop West Virginia Government Accounts

The company created by West Virginia to provide workers’ compensation insurance no longer wants to cover state agencies, prompting lawmakers to consider alternative policy options. The Senate Finance Committee learned of the possible change by BrickStreet Mutual Insurance Co. when …

Interpreter Lien Claimant Must Prove Its Services Were Necessary

To provide medical treatment to an injured worker, an employer must provide reasonably required interpreter services if the injured worker is unable to speak, understand or communicate in English. However an interpreter medical lien claimant has the burden of proving …