Monthly Archives: <span>March 2011</span>

Young Texas Gang Members Busted for Arson in Bastrop County

An anonymous phone call to the Texas Arson Hotline has led to the arrest of three juvenile gang members in Bastrop County. The three teenagers reportedly terrorized a neighborhood for more than a year before burning an abandoned mobile home …

Wisconsin Meatpacking Plant Fire Claim Settled for $208M

Patrick Cudahy’s parent company has reached a $208 million settlement with its insurance carriers over a fire that destroyed part of its meatpacking plant in a Milwaukee, Wis., suburb. An earnings report filed by Smithfield Foods Inc., says the settlement …

New York Governor Will Review Safety at Nuclear Plant

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that he wants to review information from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about safety of a nuclear plant that lies near a seismic fault line 35 miles north of Manhattan. “Frankly, that was surprising to …

Risk Retention Group Seeks Court Order in Nevada Auto Liability Case

The National Risk Retention Association has filed an amicus (friend of the court) brief protesting the Nevada Department of Insurance’s efforts stop a risk retention group from issuing automobile liability first dollar coverage. In July 2010, the DOI issued a …

New Hampshire City Investigates Five Arsons in Six Days in

Police in Manchester, New Hampshire are investigating five arson fires in six days in a one-block area of the city’s west side. Investigators say all the fires went out on their own, but they caused some damage. Police say that …

Tech Risks to Watch in 2011

The constant innovation indigenous to the technology industry may make the idea of risk management seem difficult and sometimes impossible. While challenging, tackling technology risk is not all that different than addressing possible exposures in other industries: Awareness and active …

Research Group IBHS Adds ‘Insurance’ to Name

“Gimme an ‘I,’ except in our acronym.” That’s the message the insurance industry’s chief cheerleader organization for improving disaster safety says about its rebranding campaign. The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) — formerly known as the Institute …

FERMA Calls for Withdrawal of New Brazilian Reinsurance Regulations

The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) has called on the Brazilian government to withdraw two new reinsurance regulations due to enter into force on March 31st, “because they threaten to reduce the capacity for coverage of large commercial …

MDS Acquires 50% Stake in Portuguese Auto Insurance Specialist

MDS Holdings, the Iberian and Latin American insurance broking group, announced that it has acquired a “50 percent stake in Coral, the former Portuguese in-house broker of Salvador Caetano Group, the largest automotive business in the Iberian market. Following the …

RAA Affirms Industry Can Handle Japan Catastrophe

The Reinsurance Association of America has issued a reassuring bulletin that the industry can not only cope with the recent losses from the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, but will also remain prepared to handle future disasters as well. …