Monthly Archives: <span>June 2011</span>

North Carolina Lawmakers Agree on Workers’ Compensation Benefit Change

Consensus legislation to change limits on benefits for workers injured on the job in North Carolina has swept through the General Assembly and is moving to Gov. Beverly Perdue for her signature. The Senate agreed unanimously last Thursday to give …

Michigan Court Clears Storage Owner in Customer’s Death

The owner of an Ann Arbor, Michigan self-storage business has been cleared of liability in the death of a customer who accidentally locked himself in a car trunk. The Michigan appeals court recently overturned a decision by a Washtenaw County …

Tennessee High Court Agrees Judge Took Too Long

The Tennessee Supreme Court has upheld the Court of the Judiciary’s decision that Cocke County General Sessions Judge John A. Bell took too long to decide a personal injury case and related accusations. The high court last Friday also affirmed …

New York Governor Wants Tougher Penalty for Texting Drivers

Drivers who text behind the wheel in New York now run little risk of being pulled over by the police, but that would change under a proposal by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The governor said Friday that he plans to introduce …

Tennessee Jury Awards $200K in Sexual Bullying Case

Two mothers who claimed their sons were sexually bullied have won a lawsuit against the Wayne County, Tennessee schools and have been awarded $100,000 each. The women said the boys were humiliated in a locker room at Waynesboro Middle School …

Private Antitrust Lawsuits Decline in U.S.

Price-fixing lawsuits against the air-cargo industry have produced steady cash flow for U.S. plaintiff lawyers and their clients, with total settlements topping $367 million last week after British Airways announced an $89.5 million deal. But pacts resolving antitrust litigation could …

Demolition Begins of Fire-Ravaged Mill in R.I.

The owner of a historic mill building in Woonsocket, Rhode Island destroyed in a massive fire that broke out Tuesday says demolition of the structure has begun. Steven Triedman, of American Wood Pellet Co., says he received a verbal demolition …

Mexico Buys $400 Million of Disaster Insurance

Mexico Friday announced that it has bought more than $400 million worth of insurance to protect vulnerable areas from the impact of hurricanes and other natural disasters. Mexico purchased 4.8 billion pesos ($404 million) of insurance to “protect public infrastructure …

Toyota to Face 2013 Trial Over Sudden Acceleration

A federal judge has chosen a Utah crash that killed two people as the first bellwether trial in nationwide litigation over whether Toyota Motor Corp. made defective vehicles that sped up unexpectedly. U.S. District Judge James Selna chose the case …

International Monetary Fund Cyber Attack Boosts Calls for Global Action

Governments, multinational corporations and global institutions are losing the battle against computer hackers and must combine their resources if they are to lock out cyber intruders, experts say. The International Monetary Fund has joined Sony and Google on a growing …