Monthly Archives: <span>July 2011</span>

N.Y. Attorney General Challenges Constitutionality of Defense of Marriage Act

In papers filed in the case of Windsor v. United States, Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman challenged the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”), which redefined marriage for federal purposes to exclude same-sex unions that are valid …

Moody’s: U.S. P/C Insurers’ Report Meaningful 2010 Reserve Releases

U.S. property/casualty insurers reported meaningful reserve redundancies in their 2010 earnings, Moody’s Investors Service said, marking the sixth straight year in which the industry has posted a benefit to earnings. During 2010 P/C insurers, excluding financial guarantors and mortgage insurers, …

Conn. Insurance Department Recovered $2.4 Million since January

State Insurance Commissioner Thomas B. Leonardi announced the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) helped consumers recover nearly $2.4 million in the first six months of 2011, with health insurance claims making up the bulk of the recovered claims. “Our Consumer Affairs …

Oil and Gas Group Earns $1.8M Texas Mutual Dividend

Texas Mutual Insurance Company announced a $1.8 million dividend to the Texas Oil and Gas Association (TxOGA) safety group. The workers’ compensation dividend was based largely on the group’s overall loss ratio. TxOGA members have shared in $18 million in …

Kansas Insurance Dept. Seeks African-American Scholarship Applicants

Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger is seeking applicants for five $1,000 scholarships to be awarded to African-American students enrolled in Kansas universities or community colleges during the 2012 spring semester. The deadline for spring semester 2012 applications is Oct. 1, …

Ohio’s Losses From 2011 Storms Top $500M

A handful of major storms that damaged parts of Ohio this year have caused more than a half-billion dollars in insured losses, and that number is expected to increase. Five storms have led to an estimated 125,000 claims and losses …

California Updates Pure Premium Rates Filing Process

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones today announced that the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) has proceeded with his directive to revise its filing of pure premium rates in order to provide more meaningful and understandable information regarding insurer rates …

Bresnahan Named President of Lexington Insurance

David J. Bresnahan has been named president of Lexington Insurance Co., the surplus lines unit of Chartis Insurance. He is succeeding Peter Eastwood, who is mving into his new role as president and chief executive officer of Chartis for the …

Japan Committee Clears Nuclear Compensation Bill

A lower house committee of Japan’s parliament on Tuesday passed a bill to help Tokyo Electric Power pay billions of dollars in compensation to those hurt by the Fukushima nuclear disaster, ensuring a law will soon be in place to …

California WC Appeals Board Takes Back Physician Ruling

Just a few months after the California Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board ruled that a non-approved physician’s report cannot be used to support workers’ compensation eligibility, it is reconsidering that ruling. The case has big implications for attorneys and physicians practicing …