Monthly Archives: <span>July 2011</span>

Idaho Insurance Regulator Jumps to Industry

One of Idaho’s top insurance industry regulators is jumping to private industry, where he’ll be the top lobbyist for Regence BlueShield of Idaho. The deputy director of the Idaho Department of Insurance, Shad Priest, joins the big insurer Aug. 15 …

Florida Governor Likes Idea of Privatizing State’s Citizens Insurance

Florida Gov. Rick Scott quickly embraced a suggestion this week by the board chairman of the state-backed Citizens Property Insurance Corp. to consider privatizing Florida’s largest insurer of business and homes. Citizens has roughly 1.4 million policies in force and …

RIMS Approved as Accredited Standards Organization

The Risk and Insurance Management Society, RIMS, said it has been approved as an accredited standards development organization by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Executive Standards Council. This status will enable the group to take a lead role in …

Insurance Charitable Foundation Supports 10 More California Groups

The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) Western Division has awarded $52,415 in community grants to 10 non-profit organizations. These awards mark the second round of grant funding for 2011 and increase the IICF Western Division’s yearly grant contributions to $232,915, …

Which U.S. Metro Areas Are Most Able to Withstand a Disaster?

Which U.S. metro region is most likely to come out of the next economic recession, natural disaster or other regional “shock” relatively unscathed? According to new research at the University at Buffalo, Washington, D.C, is a very good place to …

Obama Declares Disaster from April Storms in Pennsylvania

President Obama has issued a disaster declaration for the severe storms and flooding that struck northeastern Pennsylvania last spring, clearing the way for federal aid. The president said damage from the April 25-28 storms in the counties of Bradford, Lycoming, …

Delaware Court Sides with DuPont in Asbestos Case

A divided Delaware Supreme Court has ruled against the wife of a former DuPont Co. worker in an asbestos exposure case. The court ruled 3-to-2 on Monday that Patricia Price could not change a claim of nonfeasance against DuPont into …

How Health Insurance Premiums Vary by State

Nationwide, private-sector employees with single coverage contributed 21 percent of the cost of their health insurance and employees with family coverage paid 27 percent, according to the latest numbers from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. According to data …

What Does Insurance Industry Contribute to California’s Economy?

The overall insurance industry accounts for more than 234,000 jobs in California with a payroll of $16.8 billion, a new report finds. Also, property/casualty insurers paid a total of $50.2 billion in claims and expenses in 2009, while life, health, …

Utah Parents Sue Police, City Over Son’s Shooting Death

A West Valley City, Utah couple is suing police, claiming officers used excessive force in the 2010 shooting death of their son. Etta and Frank Chief filed the civil lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City this week. …