Monthly Archives: <span>July 2011</span>

Stress Test Results Confirm Strength of European Insurance Industry

The second stress test of European insurers, conducted by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), has confirmed “the robustness of the European insurance market and its ability to withstand severe stress scenarios,” notes the European (re)insurance federation (CEA). …

Hub International Acquires Texas-based Roy Agency

Chicago-based Hub International Limited (Hub) has acquired the Roy Agency Inc. (Roy), an insurance brokerage firm headquartered in Plano, Texas. The Roy team will become part of Hub International Rigg (Hub Texas). Agency principals and founders, Denise M. Roy, president, …

Tennessee Workers’ Comp Law on Drug Testing Takes Effect

A new workers’ compensation law on drug testing became effective, July 1, in Tennessee. Supported by the state’s business community, the new law changes the standard of proof workers must meet to prove that a positive drug test, or a …

Minnesota Insurance Licensing Activity Frozen as Government Shuts Down

The Minnesota Department of Insurance said the shutdown of the state’s government, which became effective July 1, will cause disruption to the regulatory agency’s licensing activities. The shutdown that began on July 1 — Minnesota’s second in six years — …

California Workers’ Compensation Law Draws Scrutiny with NFL Case

A leading Republican in the California State Legislature said he will push for an overhaul of a state labor law that makes the Golden State a magnet for workers’ compensation claims by injured former professional football players. Curt Hagman, the …

U.S. Risk Insurance Group Names Zechlin Senior Broker

U.S. Risk Insurance Group Inc., the eighth largest managing general agency and surplus lines wholesaler in the nation, announced that it has named Margaret Zechlin as senior broker in San Francisco. She will work on all lines of property and …

Swiss Re Warns Europe of Increasing ‘Soil Subsidence’ from Climate Change

According to a new study from Swiss Re, “Europe is witnessing a dramatic increase in property damage as a result of soil subsidence.” A new loss model developed by Swiss Re and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), …

Pres. Obama Signs Disaster Declaration for Texas Wildfires

President Barack Obama has signed a major disaster declaration for parts of Texas ravaged by wildfires in April and early May, ordering federal aid to help state and local recovery efforts. The White House had previously rejected Texas’ request for …

Spriggs to Lead State Auto Government Relations Team

Élise Spriggs, a 20-year veteran of Ohio’s legislative and legal communities, has joined Columbus, Ohio-based State Auto Insurance Companies as director of Government Relations. Since January 2011, Spriggs had served as director of government affairs in Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s …

Holborn Adds Brost and Hawn to Executive Ranks

Holborn Corporation, an independent provider of reinsurance brokerage services, announced that James Brost and Jeffrey Hawn have joined the firm as senior vice president and vice president, respectively, in the firm’s Minneapolis, Minn., office. Both are Minnesota natives with expertise …