Monthly Archives: <span>July 2011</span>

Dubious Claims

California, Florida, Texas, New York and Michigan generate almost half of all suspicious claims to property/casualty insurance companies, a new report says. These states account for 49 percent of all “questionable claims” as tabulated by the National Insurance Crime Bureau …

Calif. Appeals Court Declines to Review Workers’ Comp Decision

Fifth District Court of Appeal in California has refused to review the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board’s (WCAB) en banc decision in State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) v. WCAB (Almaraz). This means that the Sixth District Court’s decision on the Workers’ …

Technology Rewrites Rules of the Road for Commercial Fleets

Drivers may see it as “Big Brother”, but insurers and program managers that cater to commercial fleets say the use of technology such as cameras, black boxes and other tools that manage fleets is increasingly viewed as the cornerstone of …

As Tech Devices Shrink, Workers’ Comp Exposure Grows

Employers Need Rules for Mobile Employees Employers who supply their employees with company cell phones, laptops, BlackBerries, iPads and other portable devices could be in for a surprise if an employee is injured while using the device when off-site or …

Minnesota Workers’ Comp Claims Decrease

Minnesota workers’ compensation claims have fallen 44 percent relative to the number of employees from 1997 to 2009, according to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI). The “2009 Minnesota Workers’ Compensation System Report,” shows that “Minnesota’s workplaces have …

Producers Improve Results with Online Training

Almost everyone in the insurance industry I talk with complains that there is just not enough time to get everything done that needs to be done. Not enough time to build a pipeline with truly qualified prospects; not enough time …

Certificates of Insurance Legislation Signed by Texas Governor

Texas Gov. Rick Perryhas signed into law a measure backed by agents that requires regulatory approval of property and casualty certificate of insurance forms provided to insureds as proof of insurance coverage. Certificates of insurance are widely used in commercial …


Liberty Mutual Group’s Edmund F. Kelly retired from active management of the company on June 28, 2011. David H. Long replaced Kelly as president and CEO. Kelly will continue to serve as chairman of the board of Liberty Mutual Holding …

New York City Fixes Contractor Insurance Rule

Insurance agents welcomed a decision that will make it easier for contractors to meet New York City’s insurance requirements. The New York City Department of Buildings has promised to modify its general liability insurance requirements for contractors. The department also …

Seeds of Change

How One Woman Is Growing Opportunities for Women in Insurance To a large extent, men still outnumber women in the property/casualty insurance industry. That’s a shame, says Barney & Barney Principal Trindl Reeves, who has been recognized for her efforts …