Monthly Archives: <span>February 2012</span>

Obama Budget Bolsters Intellectual Property Enforcement

The Obama administration has proposed hiring more prosecutors to pursue intellectual property crimes in the new budget as the entertainment industry pressures the U.S. Justice Department to crack down on copyright infringement and counterfeiting. The overall proposed 2013 budget for …

Citigroup Mortgage Insurance Whistleblower: ‘I Have No Regrets’

It wasn’t Sherry Hunt’s original intent to go public on the shoddy quality control at a mortgage unit at Citigroup Inc., her employer since 2004. But by March 2011, as it became apparent to her that the problems were getting …

Electric Cigarette Explodes in Florida Man’s Mouth

A man trying to kick the smoking habit was puffing on an electronic cigarette when a faulty battery caused it to explode in his mouth, taking out some of his front teeth and a chunk of his tongue and severely …

Marsh Introduces Maritime Security Facility

Marsh has launched a new insurance facility to provide comprehensive insurance coverage for private maritime security companies. The broker and risk manager developed the facility to support the requirements of the London-based Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI). The …

Georgia Disaster Training Site Replicates New Orleans’ 9th Ward

Work is under way on what might be one of the most unique construction projects ever done in Middle Georgia. For years, the whisper of the wind around vacant buildings has been about the only thing to be heard at …

Brownyard Launches Pest Control E&O Coverage

Brownyard Group has introduced errors and omissions (E&O) coverage for its PCOpro pest control program. The new coverage provides protection against claims seeking monetary damages due to negligence. The program manager has underwriting authority for the endorsement, which is written …

Kentucky Lawmaker Wants Whistleblower Law to Combat Fraud

Kentucky Speaker of the House Greg Stumbo said he will file legislation to give whistleblowers strong financial incentive to step forward if state tax dollars are being misused. Stumbo, a Democrat, said his False Claims Act would root out fraud …

West Africa Waters Among Riskiest Routes for Shippers

The waters off West Africa’s coast are now a constant danger for those shipping goods and crude oil in the region, analysts said the day after pirates killed two sailors near Nigeria’s coast. Despite pledges by nations to patrol the …

U.S. Seeks Ways to Reduce Excessive Medical Testing

A leading group of U.S. doctors is trying to tackle the costly problem of excessive medical testing, hoping to avoid more government intervention in how they practice. The American College of Physicians (ACP), the largest U.S. medical specialty group, is …

Creator of Consumer Watchdog Attack Site Says More Attacks to Come

The owner of a website that launched an attack last week against a consumer group that often does battle with the insurance industry is now calling the attacks and information he put on the site “just the tip of the …