Monthly Archives: <span>March 2012</span>

AIR Analyzes Chile Quake: No Tsunami; Minimal Damages Reported

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide’s report on the earthquake that struck central Chile on Sunday night concludes that, although the quake was a strong tremor – magnitude 7.1 – minimal damages are expected, and no significant loss of life has …

Quake Hits Central Chile; No Deaths or Serious Damage Reported

A magnitude-7.1 earthquake struck central Chile Sunday night, the strongest and longest that many people said they had felt since a huge quake devastated the area two years ago. Some people were injured by falling ceiling material, but there were …

OECD Says Euro Zone Public Debt Crisis Far from Over

The euro zone’s public debt crisis is not over despite calmer financial markets this year, the OECD said on Tuesday, with a warning that the bloc’s banks remain weak, debt levels are still rising and fiscal targets are far from …

Alabama Has Not Yet Addressed Home Insurance Costs, Availability

Gov. Robert Bentley has not yet kept a campaign promise he made in 2010 to have the Legislature address the rising cost and declining availability of homeowners’ insurance in Alabama. Almost a year has passed since he announced the creation …

Supreme Court Gets Florida Dispute Over Vessel vs. Floating Home

Court documents refer to it as “that certain unnamed gray, two-story vessel approximately 57 feet in length.” To Fane Lozman, it was a floating Florida home never intended to sail the seas. Now, a long-running dispute over exactly what the …

Fund Lawsuit in New York Against Madoff Auditor Dropped

The liquidators of a fund that once funneled money to the now-imprisoned swindler Bernard Madoff have dropped a $900 million lawsuit accusing Ernst & Young LLP of negligence, professional malpractice and breach of contract. Ernst & Young had been challenged …

Facebook Says Emails Show New Yorker’s Lawsuit a Fraud

Facebook Inc. released emails by founder Mark Zuckerberg from his days at Harvard University to bolster its arguments that a wood-pellet salesman who sued for a 50 percent stake in the social media company lied and forged documents. Facebook’s lawyers …

FTC Wants Voluntary Online ‘Do Not Track’ System

U.S. regulators are pressuring Internet companies to put in place by the end of the year a “Do Not Track” system that would give consumers more control over their personal data online, in a report released on Monday that privacy …

Philadelphia Insurance Taps Three for Leadership Positions in the West

Philadelphia Insurance Cos., a property/casualty and professional liability company for niche markets, promoted three marketing employees to the vice president level in its Western Region. Bryan Luci was promoted from regional vice president of marketing to senior vice president of …

AIG CEO Benmosche Says Taxpayers Will Profit on Bailout

AIG expects American taxpayers to end up with a profit of $5 billion to $10 billion on the company’s 2008 rescue when all is said and done, the chief executive of the bailed-out insurer said on Monday. The U.S. government …