Monthly Archives: <span>March 2012</span>

Henryville in Recovery Mode; School Wins Lady Antebellum Show

The southern Indiana town of Henryville has moved into the long recovery phase from March 2 tornadoes that devastated the community, and officials are urging homeowners to apply for federal aid to help speed the process along. Greg Eaton of …

More Doubts Emerge About Illinois Prison Guard Comp Claims

Some Illinois prison guards who received workers’ compensation settlements had only mild carpal tunnel syndrome in their wrists or similar elbow injuries and might not have needed surgery, according to a newspaper investigation. Guards at the Menard Correctional Center have …

United Fire Says Losses from Storms May Be in $13M to $16M Range

United Fire Group Inc., headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, announced that it expects its first-quarter results through March to include pre-tax catastrophe losses, net of reinsurance, of approximately $13 million to $16 million. These losses are the result of several …

6 Ways Supreme Court Could Rule on Healthcare Law

The Supreme Court has several options in ruling on President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, from upholding the law to striking it down in its entirety. The court also could avoid deciding the law’s constitutionality at all, if it finds …

Kentucky Lawmakers Working on Tax Break for Tornado Victims

Leaders of both parties in the Kentucky Legislature are working together to provide sales tax relief to residents of the 21 counties declared disaster areas by President Barack Obama following March 2 tornadoes. Rep. John Will Stacy, D-West Liberty, and …

Florida Delays Employee Drug Testing Pending Legal Challenge

Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s top lawyer has advised state agency heads to hold off on testing their employees for drugs under a new Florida law pending resolution of an existing legal challenge. The Republican governor last year tried to implement …

Brokerage’s Strategy Could Redefine ‘Customer’ in Securities Arbitration Cases

A series of victories by Morgan Keegan & Co. is calling into question who can be considered a “customer” in securities arbitration cases. Most recently, a case involving a partner in the Lion Fund, a hedge fund, led to an …

Hartford Moving Closer to Its P/C Roots But Not Severing All Life Ties

The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., under pressure to boost its stock price from hedge fund manager John Paulson, said it would get rid of most of its life insurance-related operations and focus on being a property insurance and group …

U.S. Treasury’s Geithner Put on Spot for Delayed Insurance Report

A Republican Congresswoman took an opportunity during a hearing on Tuesday to ask U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner why the Federal Insurance Office is late with its report on modernizing insurance regulation. The inquiry came from seven-term U.S. Rep. Judy …

Tornadoes Injured at Least 8 in San Antonio Area

Officials say at least two tornadoes in the San Antonio area on March 20 damaged about 30 structures and injured at least eight people. Medina County Judge Jim Barden said that four people were hospitalized after the storms, but no …