Monthly Archives: <span>April 2012</span>

Insurer Says It’s Not Liable for Drug-Related Fire in Michigan

An insurance company claims it should be reimbursed after a fire linked to drugs badly damaged a house in Bay City, Mich. Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance of Columbus, Ohio, has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to recover $160,200 for a …

U.S. E&S Market Premiums Increase in 2011: SNL Financial

U.S. excess and surplus market is seeing a slight uptick in premiums, a new report reveals. After several years of declines, U.S. E&S insurers saw an increase in the overall amount of direct premiums written in 2011, according to SNL …

Kansas Senate Panel Considers Disaster Funding

Kansas legislators have begun work on a bill that would create a special fund to cover the state’s share of disaster assistance. Maj. Gen. Lee Tafanelli, the Kansas adjutant general, testified before the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee about …

Former N.Y. Agents Sentenced to Jail for Swindling Elderly Clients

New York regulators said two former insurance agents who pled guilty to swindling $400,000 from elderly clients by fraudulently changing beneficiary information on annuity contracts have been sentenced to jail time and restitution. Had investigators not stopped the scheme, the …

N.J. Gov. Christie Undecided on Health Insurance Bill

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he wants the state to spend as little as possible implementing new federal health insurance requirements until the U.S. Supreme Court decides whether President Barack Obama’s plan is constitutional. Speaking in Springfield last Thursday, …

Insurance Company Balks at Claims in Fatal Conn. Fire

An insurance company said it should not have to pay claims or lawsuits stemming from a Christmas morning fire that killed five people because a contractor renovating the house misrepresented the type and scope of work his company performs. Utica …

Alabama Lawmakers Pass Ban on Texting While Driving

State lawmakers have voted unanimously to make Alabama the 38th state to ban texting while driving. A compromise version of the bill by Republican Rep. Jim McClendon of Springville cleared the House 95-0 and the Senate 28-0. It now goes …

Victims of Cyberbullying Fighting Back in Libel Suits

When a Georgia middle school student reported to police and school officials that she had been bullied on Facebook, they told her there was not much they could do because the harassment occurred off campus. So the 14-year-old girl, Alex …

Union Carbide Wins Mississippi Asbestos Case on Second Try

An asbestos lawsuit that once resulted in a $322 million verdict for a Mississippi man has turned in favor of the company he sued. Thomas Brown’s lawyers had called the verdict last year the largest asbestos award for a single …

Consumer Rebates Under Medical Loss Ratio Estimated to Be $1.3 Billion

More than 3 million health insurance policyholders and thousands of employers will share $1.3 billion in rebates this year, thanks to President Barack Obama’s health care law, according to a nonpartisan research group. The rebates should average $127 for the …