Monthly Archives: <span>June 2012</span>

Consumer Watchdog Failure Could Help Auto Discount Initiative

Santa Monica, Calif.-based Consumer Watchdog’s proposed ballot measure to require health insurance companies to get approval before raising their rates narrowly missed qualifying for November’s ballot by Thursday’s deadline – Consumer Watchdog got 109 percent of the signatures necessary to …

Agents, Insurers Cheer Congress OK of Flood Insurance Reform Bill

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America today praised Congress for passing the “Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2012.” The legislation will extend the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for five years and make reforms to …

Island Insurance Names Ohata Assistant Vice President

Honolulu, Hawaii-based Island Insurance Company Ltd. named Sharon K. Ohata assistant vice president, claims supervisor for workers’ compensation. Ohata will continue to be responsible for the management of the company’s workers compensation claims unit. Ohata has nearly 30 years of …

Brewer Names Acting Director for Arizona Department of Insurance

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has named Germaine Marks the Acting Director of the Arizona Department of Insurance. Marks is being appointed to serve in this capacity due to the pending retirement of outgoing Insurance Director Christina Urias. Urias’ retirement is …

Congress Agrees on Multi-Year Flood Insurance Extension, Reforms

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a massive bill on Friday combining funding for transportation programs, low-interest student loans, and the National Flood Insurance Program. On a 373-52 vote, the House sent the measure to the Senate which passed it, …

Dred Scott? Really, Fellow Conservatives? Really?

More than a few of my friends on the political Right have taken to comparing the Supreme Court’s decision on the individual health insurance mandate to the infamous Dred Scott decision that declared that blacks were not citizens and therefore …

Markel Names New Executives for Marketing, Business Development

Richmond, Va.-headquartered Markel Corporation announced two executive promotions for its specialty division.The company said Chris Reichert has been promoted to managing director of sales and marketing for Markel Specialty.

Chief Risk Officer Named for The Navigators Group in Rye Brook, N.Y.

Rye Brook, N.Y.-based specialty insurer The Navigators Group appointed Jennifer Yang as chief risk officer.

N.Y. Health Plans Continue as U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Obama Law

State health officials are moving forward with plans to establish an insurance exchange intended to extend coverage to some 2.7 million New Yorkers without it. In April, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order to establish the statewide exchange, a …

Zurich Appoints COO in N.Y. for Global Corporate in North America

Zurich’s Global Corporate in North America (GCiNA) appointed Brad Kass as chief operations officer, based in New York.In his new role, Kass will be responsible for overseeing the execution of GCiNA’s goals focusing on operating models, project portfolio and change …