Monthly Archives: <span>June 2012</span>

Arkansas Moving Forward With Plans After Health Ruling

Arkansas’ insurance commissioner says the state is moving forward with its plans to implement the federal health care law after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the overhaul. Commissioner Jay Bradford told The Associated Press that the state will continue moving …

Devall to Lead London Business for Crawford’s U.S. Property/Casualty Unit

Longtime London market executive James B. Devall has joined Crawford & Co. in its Dallas office to lead the company’s London-fronted business in the U.S. As vice president and managing director of London program operations, a newly created position, Devall …

Penn. Gov. Corbett Says He’s ‘Disappointed’ by Healthcare Decision

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett said Thursday he was disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal healthcare law, but said he will work hard to limit the law’s negative impact on Pennsylvanians.Republican Gov. Corbett, when he was attorney …

Business Transitions More Risky for Lawyers: Study

The practice of business transactions presents greater professional liability risk for attorneys than many other areas of practice, a new analysis revealed. A new study based on claims from CNA’s Lawyers Professional Liability Program, “Investigating the Hidden Risks of Business …

ACE Launches New Stand-Alone Product Recall Insurance Unit

ACE Westchester, the U.S.-based wholesale-focused insurance division of the ACE Group, has introduced a new stand-alone product recall underwriting unit, which will deliver insurance products to respond to the increased risks associated with product recalls. Florian Beerli will serve as …

Study from CNA Analyzes Lawyers Professional Liability Claims

The Risk Control unit of CNA insurance companies has released a study that takes a look at lawyers and the practice of business transactions, a diverse area that often involves drafting and negotiating agreements and contracts. Based on claims from …

Actuaries Say Individual Mandate Key to Viable Health Insurance Market

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to keep the Affordable Care Act largely intact is a step toward ensuring that health insurance markets attract a broad cross section of risk, a cornerstone to any viable health insurance market, according to insurance …

Chartis’ Kinsey Joins Fireman’s Fund as Eastern Personal Lines Executive in Florida

Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. has appointed Joe Kinsey to the position of high net worth personal insurance executive for the eastern zone. In his new role, Kinsey has full underwriting and distribution responsibility for the personal lines business which focuses …

Fitch: U.S. Healthcare Ratings Already Incorporate Healthcare Ruling

Fitch’s ratings said its U.S. healthcare ratings already incorporate an expectation of full implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and thus there are no changes to ratings as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling …

OSHA Targets West Virginia Construction Worksites

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration is launching what it calls a “no-notice” campaign in West Virginia this summer in hopes of reducing construction injuries and deaths. The “Construction Incident Prevention Initiative” will focus enforcement efforts on construction sites …