Monthly Archives: <span>August 2012</span>

Copper Theft on Rise in Alabama

Copper thefts are becoming a growing problem for Alabama farmers. Southeast Alabama farmer Trey Martin said someone stole the copper wiring from his irrigation system. The copper wire was worth $50, but the damages to the irrigation system totaled $10,000. …

Jones Names New Public Advisor to Would Be Intervenors

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has named a new public advisor to assist members of the public and consumer groups with the Proposition 103 intervenor process, under which consumer groups can intervene in proceedings for insurance rate increases and decreases. …

Declarations – Southeast

Room and Board “The decisions you make affect people that you may not think about. They don’t get the opportunity to come meet in a nice hotel board room and have food delivered to them.” –Florida state Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, …

From Concept to Practice: Insurance Trust Account Management

The concept of trust account (TA) management has no meaning to many professionals, or they have no uniform understanding of it. There are no text books or college classes on insurance TA management, and insurance-based publications seldom organize discussions to …

$31M Jury Award for Unsafe Calif. Highway

Jurors say California’s transportation agency is partly responsible for a dangerous stretch of highway dubbed “Blood Alley” and a severely injured motorcyclist should get more than $31 million. The San Bernardino County jury decided late last month that the California …

A Decade Later: Is Sarbanes-Oxley Working?

When Peregrine Financial collapsed in July, a nagging question resurfaced. As in the implosion of Lehman Brothers, the fall of Bernard Madoff and other cases in recent years, many asked: Where were the accountants? That this question still arises could …

Declarations – West

P/C Insurers’ Strength “Not a single traditional P/C insurer or reinsurer failed as a result of the financial crisis, nor did a single legitimate claim go unpaid. In contrast, during the financial crisis and its aftermath, more than 400 banks …

Conference: Risk, Returns, Regulation and More Regulation

Coming off a rough few years of recession, then a disaster prone 2011 — and then more global uncertainty in 2012 — the world and the insurance industry have a few things to look forward to in the next year. …

North Carolina Insurance Reforms Fall Short

North Carolina lawmakers approved a bill with some changes to the property insurance system but, as one industry expert said, in so doing lawmakers “just stuck more fingers in the dike.” Despite what critics say is an antiquated process for …

Fifth Circuit Affirms ‘Eight-Corners’ Rule and Duty to Defend

Because the duty to defend is one of the most important aspects of liability policies such as commercial general liability coverage, it is frequently the subject of litigation. One recent case from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals — GuideOne …