Monthly Archives: <span>October 2012</span>

Indiana Doctor Nabbed in Italy Gets 7 Years in Prison

A former Indiana surgeon arrested on a snowy Italian mountainside after five years on the run was handed a stiff prison term Friday for billing insurers and patients for procedures he didn’t perform, with the federal judge saying he used …

Panel Upholds Reduced Workers’ Comp Award for Oklahoma Legislator

An appeals panel has upheld a controversial ruling that Oklahoma state Rep. Mike Christian is due workers’ compensation benefits for injuries he suffered in a 2009 traffic accident. The panel, however, cut the legislator’s award from $61,560 to $51,300. Christian, …

Civil Liberties Group Suing Morgan Stanley Over Mortgages

The American Civil Liberties Union is filing what it says is the first lawsuit against an investment bank, Morgan Stanley, alleging discrimination for packaging subprime mortgage loans into securities. The ACLU and other plaintiffs will file the case on behalf …

Banks Say Settlements Aren’t Slowing Financial Crisis Liability Suits

As U.S. authorities seek to make Wall Street pay for its role in triggering the financial crisis more than four years ago, banks are starting to fight back, frustrated that they are being asked to pay more than once for …

ITC Is Largest Provider of Insurance Websites in United States

Carrollton, TX, 10/15/12 – Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a leading provider of marketing, rating and management software and services, announced that more than 2,000 agencies are currently using Insurance Website Builder as their digital marketing system making ITC the largest …

Federal Court Seeks Rebriefing on Mississippi Damages Cap

A federal appeals court has asked parties involved in a personal injury lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of Mississippi’s $1 million cap on non-economic damages to re-brief the issue. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans filed the …

3 Reasons Florida’s Citizens Loan Plan Is Bad Idea

It’s been years since a major hurricane has hit Florida, and the good news for Floridians is that property insurers are filing applications to write policies in the state again. But there’s a plan being hatched by the board of …

Email Inbox Not Private, Says South Carolina Court

The South Carolina Supreme Court has ruled a man’s privacy was not violated when his wife’s daughter-in-law managed to get into his email and find out the name of his lover because the messages remained in his inbox. In their …

Murdoch May Sue Lance Armstrong to Recover Past Libel Settlement

London’s Sunday Times said it may take legal action against cyclist Lance Armstrong, including pursuing him for alleged fraud over a libel settlement, in the wake of the United States Anti-Doping Agency’s report labeling him a drug cheat. The newspaper, …

Texas Supreme Court Takes Up Contractual Liability Issue, Again

One of the most fascinating aspects of writing about insurance litigation is that often issues that we discuss seem to be “finally” decided, only to reappear again. For instance, previously for Insurance Journal we discussed a landmark case involving the …