Monthly Archives: <span>October 2012</span>

FDA: Indiana Farm Tied to Salmonella Outbreak Unclean

A federal inspector found two strains of salmonella and unclean conditions at an Indiana cantaloupe farm’s fruit-packing plant during inspections prompted by a deadly outbreak linked to the farm’s melons. The Food and Drug Administration’s report on the mid-August inspections …

ThyssenKrupp Airport Systems Fined $172K for Hazards at Texas Site

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited ThyssenKrupp Airport Systems Inc. with 28 serious safety violations at its Fort Worth, Texas, work site for exposing workers to “struck-by,” fall, amputation and shock hazards while they …

Louisiana Senator Blasts BP, Coast Guard Over Spill Cleanup

Louisiana’s Republican U.S. senator recently blasted oil giant BP PLC for what he called its attempt to run from its full cleanup responsibilities for the nation’s worst offshore spill, the 2010 disaster that left the Gulf Coast heavily oiled. U.S. …

Court Reverses Landmark Katrina Ruling on Army Corps Liability

A federal appeals court reversed itself recently, throwing out a judge’s landmark ruling that the Army Corps of Engineers was liable for billions of dollars in Hurricane Katrina flood damage that property owners blame on the corps’ maintenance of a …

My New Markets

Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in our database Promote your markets on our site Join our community forums Membership is free! High Valued Homes Market Detail: JH Insurance Services’ high-valued homes facility will consider personal …

Met P&C to Pay $345K in Restitution

An auto insurance company will pay close to $345,000 in restitution to Massachusetts consumers and an additional $50,000 to the state as the result of an investigation alleging that policyholders with clean driving records were subject to improper non-renewal. Massachusetts …

Florida Approves State Farm 6.4% Increase

Florida regulators have approved an average 6.9 percent homeowners’ insurance rate hike for State Farm Florida Insurance Co. It is the insurer’s fifth increase in as many years. In addition to the increase for homeowners, rates for renters will increase …

Colorado Officials Take Sides in Fracking Dispute

Some 60 mayors and city council members from 17 communities have asked Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper to have the state drop a lawsuit over fracking that challenges oil and gas drilling rules adopted by the city of Longmont. At issue …

Court Grants Injunction in Aon, Alliant Employee Poaching Case

A New York court on Sept. 20 granted a new injunction in the ongoing legal fight between Aon and Alliant Insurance Services over alleged poaching of senior executives. The Supreme Court of the State of New York enjoined Peter Arkley …

Maryland Issues Consumer Advisory on ‘Force-Placed’ Insurance

The Maryland Insurance Administration recently issued a consumer advisory, reminding consumers that if they borrow money to buy a car or home and let the insurance policy lapse (cease to exist/end), the loan agreement may give the lender the right …