Monthly Archives: <span>October 2012</span>

Homeowners Insurance Claims Cost Rising Rapidly: Study

The cost of homeowners insurance claims has been rising rapidly because of the combined effects of rising claim severity and increases in claim frequency, according to an insurance industry report. An Insurance Research Council (IRC) study of homeowners insurance claim …

Declarations – South Central

Homeowners, Hurricanes “I respectfully request that you utilize your existing authority to ensure that homeowners receive the insurance proceeds that they are entitled to.” —U.S. Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., in a letter to HUD, urged that federal agency to …

Union Study Recommends Changes at N.M. Fire Agencies

A study concludes that firefighters aren’t capable of responding to calls within nationally recommended time frames in certain parts of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County in New Mexico. The Albuquerque Journal reported the International Association of Firefighters study points to limited …

Moving Forward

One result of an improving economy is increased demand for commercial insurance coverages. The economy is improving, slowly. And the property/casualty insurance industry is seeing growth, as well. Don’t take my word for it. According to Dr. Robert Hartwig, president …

Chairman Nelson Charts Future Course for Lloyd’s

Lloyd’s of London Chairman John Nelson knew when he acceded to his post one year ago that his predecessor, Lord Peter Levene, would be a hard act to follow. Levene served for nine years and oversaw significant changes at Lloyd’s …

Insurer Must Pay Missouri Firm $11M in Supply Chain Interruption Case

A federal jury in in St. Louis has ordered an insurance company to pay $11 million to a Joplin, Mo., company for damages caused by an oil pipeline leak. TAMKO Building Products Inc. said in a lawsuit that Factory Mutual …

Report Points to Insurance Industry’s Vulnerability to Climate Change

A report out late last month urges the insurance industry to act to protect itself and the community against the increasing frequency of extreme weather due to climate change. In short, the report, its authors and those endorsing it want …

CEO Confidence

Overconfident CEOs are a liability. They make harmful business decisions based on arrogance and ultimately run their companies into the ground. Right? Don’t be so confident. Overconfident CEOs in fact help companies achieve greater innovation by pursuing riskier projects with …

Declarations – West

It’s Congress “It certainly raises some interesting issues. Of course, there’s a huge presumption that when Congress passes a law, it’s constitutional.” —Timothy McTaggart, a partner at law firm Pepper Hamilton, who focuses on financial regulatory issues talking about a …

What Makes a Marginal Producer?

Salespeople, broadly speaking, fall into three categories. First, there are those elusive few, typically the 20 percent of the firm’s salespeople, who are highly productive, who sell most of what is sold. These individuals have precisely what it takes to …