Monthly Archives: <span>May 2013</span>

Mixed Reaction in Georgia to Push to Lower DUI Limit

There’s mixed reaction in Georgia from drivers to a proposal from a federal agency’s call for states to lower their blood-alcohol limits. The National Transportation and Safety Board made waves with its call for a 0.05 limit, down from the …

Wrongful Death Suit Alleges Hazing Death at Florida University

A wrongful death lawsuit claims Bethune-Cookman University failed to stop fraternity hazing that led to the death of a Marching Wildcat band member. Marcus Thomas died in February 2012 when the car in which he was riding crashed into a …

Strong to Head XL’s New Global Programs Center of Excellence

XL Group announced the creation of a new Global Programs Center of Excellence and welcomed Kevin Strong as its Global Programs Manager. He will lead a team comprised of professionals from Asia, Europe and North America, which “will work with …

Allstate, Citigroup Settle Mortgage Securities Lawsuit

Allstate Corp. and Citigroup Inc. agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by the insurer in New York state court accusing the bank of fraudulently selling hundreds of millions of dollars of mortgage-backed securities. Allstate, the largest publicly traded U.S. home …

Lower Ice Levels, Rule Changes to Boost Arctic Northern Sea Route

Shipping along the Arctic northern sea route is set to grow more than 30-fold over the next eight years and could account for a quarter of the cargo traffic between Europe and Asia by 2030, experts said on Wednesday. With …

S&P Says Endurance Ratings Unaffected By CEO Stepping Down

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said that its rating on Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd., currently ‘BBB+’ with a stable outlook, is unaffected by the recent announcement that David Cash has stepped down as the company’s CEO and as a member …

Hurricane Barbara Hits Southern Mexico; at Least Two Killed

Hurricane Barbara hit Mexico’s southern Pacific coast on Wednesday, flooding roads, toppling trees and killing two men before weakening to a tropical storm as it moved inland. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Barbara, which had earlier moved close to …

How to Deal with Objections when Selling Insurance

This post is part of a series on insurance marketing and training sponsored by Astonish. We’ve all heard the same objections over and over again from prospects when trying to sell them insurance. Sometimes it’s an objection to price. Sometimes …

Mississippi Insurance Chief Chaney Worried About Uninsureds

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney says he fears some people won’t be able to get health insurance when enrollment under the federal law opens in October. The Affordable Care Act was designed to provide affordable health insurance coverage to Americans …

Administration Issues Workplace Wellness Program Guidelines

Employees will be eligible for significantly lower premiums on the health insurance they buy through their employers if they participate in “workplace wellness programs,” even if they don’t improve their health, U.S. regulators said on Wednesday. The Affordable Care Act, …