Monthly Archives: <span>February 2014</span>

Pay and Performance

This issue of Insurance Journal brings you the 8th Annual Agency Salary Survey results. Nearly 2,000 agency owners, producers and agency staff responded to this year’s exclusive survey, all wanting to know who’s worth what in today’s independent agency system. …

Technical and Medical Device Convergence Exposes New World of Risks

When the acclaimed television drama series Homeland climaxed with a devious plot by terrorists to kill the U.S. vice president by hacking into his electronic pacemaker, critics mocked the ludicrousness of the idea deeming it as simply far-fetched fiction. However, …

Commercial Insurance Markets Looking Favorable in 2014: Marsh

The ample capacity and competition that helped temper firming of U.S. commercial insurance rates in 2013 is expected to continue into 2014, unless catastrophe losses turn out higher than expected, according to a report by insurance broker Marsh. U.S. commercial …

Who’s Worth What in the Independent Agency System

Exclusive Survey Shows Compensation Up, Benefits Up With a Cost For the second year in a row, salaries and total compensation rose in independent insurance agencies across the nation. More agencies are offering health insurance and benefits offerings seem to …

What Might Terrorists Do Next?

The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks created an atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty. No one knew how many more large-scale attacks were in the pipeline. Might more Mohammad Attas already be in the country making the final preparations for new …

The ‘Switching’ Economy: Consumers to Buy Insurance from Google, Amazon, Verizon

New global research finds that as many as two-thirds (67 percent) of insurance customers would consider purchasing insurance products from organizations other than insurers, including 23 percent who would consider buying from online service providers such as Google and Amazon. …

My New Markets

My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal’s sister website: Need a Market? Find it. FAST. Day Spas Market Detail: SASSI – Salon & Spa Specialty Insurance, a division of W.H. Brownyard Corp., provides specialized liability coverage …

Numbers Don’t Lie: Agency Best of the Best – Quality vs. Quantity

On a recent agency visit, I met with an account manager who was being paid a salary of $85,000 and a 5 percent to 7 percent bonus on top of the base. By industry standards, this customer service individual was …


N.H. Workers’ Comp “We must come together to reform workers’ compensation so that our businesses can re-invest these dollars in growing their companies and creating new jobs.” —New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan on reforming the workers’ comp market. During her …

How to Be a High Performing Agency

To be a high-performing firm, one needs to emulate what the best firms are doing and the traits that bring high-performance to fruition. This article focuses on the top five characteristics the best agencies have in common. 1 – Growing …