Monthly Archives: <span>June 2014</span>

Willis Appoints Gunn Managing Partner in Cleveland, Ohio

Insurance broker Willis North America, a unit of Willis Group Holdings, appointed Andrew Gunnas managing partner of Willis’ Cleveland, Ohio, operations. Willis of Ohio Inc. serves over 3,000 national and local clients from its offices in Cleveland and Columbus as …

Louisiana AG: Governor Should Veto Bill Killing Oil Lawsuit

Louisiana’s top attorney has recommended that Gov. Bobby Jindal veto a bill aimed at killing a lawsuit filed by a southeast Louisiana levee board against 97 oil and gas companies over damage to the state’s wetlands. However, Jindal’s executive counsel, …

Insurance Technologies Corp. Adds Volckmann to Carrier Relations Team

Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a Carrollton, Texas-based provider of marketing, rating and management software and services, announced that Mark Volckmann has joined the company and will be working with carriers on business development projects. Volckmann will be working as part …

GM Report Uncovers 11 Years of Mishandling Ignition Switch

A 325-page report on General Motors Co.’s mishandling of a deadly ignition switch details missteps by employees and officials over 11 years – from lawyers who failed to heed warnings the company could be liable for punitive damages to a …

Kansas Man Sentenced for Defrauding Missouri Insurance Fund

A Kansas man has been sentenced to 30 months in federal prison for a $1.3 million fraud involving a Missouri fund for cleaning up leaking petroleum tanks. Robert Fine II was sentenced on June 3 after pleading guilty last November …

Exemptions Reduce Estimate of Americans Paying Obamacare Penalties

Four million people are projected to pay the U.S. penalty for not carrying health insurance next year, about one-third less than previously estimated, after the Obama administration created exemptions from the fine. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires …

Court Ruling on Well Co-Ownership Could Cost BP, Anadarko Billions in Fines

BP Plc and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. could face billions of dollars in fines after an appeals court ruled they were automatically liable for pollution-law violations as co-owners of the well that blew out and started the 2010 Gulf of Mexico …

Oakland Raiders Facing Another Lawsuit From Cheerleaders

Two Oakland Raiders cheerleaders have sued the team and the NFL claiming they were subjected to poor working conditions while being paid less than minimum wage. The complaint was filed Tuesday in Alameda Superior Court by Raiderettes identified as Caitlin …

Kia’s Dancing Hamster Nabbed in California on Insurance Fraud

Leroy Barnes, 27, of Los Angeles, known as one of the dancing hamsters in Kia car commercials, was arrested on insurance fraud charges related to his alleged fraudulent collection of state disability insurance benefits. Barnes is suspected of deceiving his …

Drive Underway to Increase Truckers’ Minimum Insurance Limits

Truckers would be required to buy higher insurance limits under a government proposal, although how much higher is not yet known. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) concluded in a report to Congress that current minimum financial responsibility limits …