Monthly Archives: <span>June 2014</span>

It Figures

200 Number of Illinois communities sued by Farmers Insurance, which alleges local governments did not do enough to mitigate against climate change. $860 Million Amount an Ohio court said that 270,000 employers were overcharged for workers’ compensation the past several …

First Line of Defense: Insuring Volunteer Fire Departments

When it comes to saving property and lives the nation’s volunteer firefighters are often the first line of defense. Volunteers make up a majority of the nation’s firefighters — some 69 percent of firefighters in the United States. Of the …

Alabama Supreme Court Orders New Trial in $1M Firing Case

The Alabama Supreme Court has ordered a new trial in a lawsuit that resulted in a more than $1 million judgment against an auto parts manufacturer. The justices last Friday sided with Guyoungtech USA, Inc., which makes parts in Conecuh …