Monthly Archives: <span>August 2014</span>

Fosun Said to Pursue Deal for Swiss Re’s Aurora in the U.S.

Fosun International Ltd., the investment arm of China’s biggest closely held conglomerate, is in talks to acquire a U.S. life insurance arm of Swiss Re Ltd., people with knowledge of the matter said. Fosun is seeking to buy Aurora National …

Earthquake Gap: Insurance Sales Falling As Risk Rises

While earthquake risks are rising in the U.S., fewer homeowners nationally say they have earthquake insurance, creating a potentially huge gap in coverage, according to the Insurance Information Institute. That’s a problem, the I.I.I. said, with the potential cost of …

Tennessee-Based Community Health Reports 4.5M Records Hacked

Chinese hackers stole social security numbers, names and addresses from 4.5 million patients of Community Health Systems Inc., the second-biggest for-profit U.S. hospital chain, according to the company. The attacks occurred in April and June, the Franklin, Tennessee-based company said …

Heart of Atlantic Hurricane Season Starts as Storms Seem Dubious

The official start of the most active part of the Atlantic hurricane season arrives tomorrow with more of a whimper than a bang. If tradition holds, William Gray, who pioneered seasonal hurricane forecasting more than three decades ago, will ring …

Iceland Raises Alert Level for Volcano Eruption to Second-Highest

Iceland’s Met Office on Monday raised its risk level to the aviation industry for an eruption at its Bardarbunga volcano to orange, which is the fourth level on a five-grade scale. Ash from the eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano in …

QBE to Sell $750 Million in Shares, Some Assets as Profit Drops

QBE Insurance Group Ltd. plans to raise about $750 million in a share placement and sell assets including part of its lenders’ mortgage insurance business in Australia after reporting an 18 percent drop in earnings. The insurer, which earns about …

Nepal Flood Toll Hits 101, Fears of Disease Rise

Nepalese authorities said Monday they feared an outbreak of diseases as they attempt to reach thousands of people stranded by flooding that has already killed more than 100 people. The swirling floodwaters have even crossed into neighboring India, submerging farmland …

Citing Lives Saved, Regulators Prepare to Mandate Talking Car Technology

The U.S. Transportation Department moved forward on writing rules that may mandate automakers’ use of talking-car technology, saying more than a thousand lives a year might be saved on the nation’s roadways. Two of the most promising crash-avoidance technologies warning …

400,000 Mass. Residents Must Reapply for Health Coverage

Massachusetts is launching a major effort to reach out to almost 400,000 residents who must reapply for health insurance because they were enrolled in temporary plans after the state’s health care marketplace website crashed last year. State officials fear that …

Coast Guard, N.J. National Guard Still Recovering From Sandy

Two years after Hurricane Sandy pounded the New Jersey coast, the USCGC Sailfish has yet to return home. The gleaming white 87-foot patrol boat, now temporarily based out of Bayonne, New Jersey, still cannot go back to its berth at …