Monthly Archives: <span>August 2014</span>

$280K Sought by Woman Who Slipped At Oregon Safeway Deli

A woman who says she hurt her back after slipping on a greasy spot at a Safeway store in Sandy, Ore. has filed a lawsuit against the grocery chain. The Oregonian newspaper reported that Tammy Hadley seeks at least $30,000 …

West Virginia Chemical Spill Spawns Health Effects Studies

Federal health officials are outlining new studies on the chemicals that spilled into West Virginia’s largest drinking water supply. The National Toxicology Program said in a memo that potential pregnancy and liver complications are among study topics. One study will …

Kentucky Salutes Seat Belt Enforcers

Nearly 140 Kentucky law enforcement officers have been recognized for their efforts to increase use of seat belts and child restraints in vehicles. The 137 officers from 119 agencies were honored at the Governor’s Occupation Protection Awards ceremony recently in …

Georgia Peanut Plant Manager Cites Mold, Mildew During Salmonella Trial

A Georgia food processor linked to a deadly salmonella outbreak shipped thousands of pounds of peanut products after learning its products were contaminated and cheated on testing, a former plant manager testified this week. Samuel Lightsey is a key government …

Why Is Pacific Outpacing Atlantic This Storm Season?

It’s almost the middle of August, and the Pacific has been cranking out hurricanes and typhoons all over the place. So, what’s with the Atlantic? After just about two and half months, hurricanes Arthur and Bertha are all the Atlantic …

AXA to Buy $450 Million Stake in U.K. Mall from Land Securities

AXA SA’s property unit agreed to buy a 50 percent stake in a shopping mall and other assets in the English city of Bristol from Land Securities Group Plc for £267.8 million ($450 million). The purchase of Cabot Circus, about …

EC Consults on Functioning, Future of Insurance Anti-Trust Block Exemption

The European Commission (EC) has issued a questionnaire to seek the views of stakeholders on the functioning and the future of the Insurance Block Exemption Regulation (IBER), which exempts certain agreements between companies in the insurance sector from EU antitrust …

Lloyd’s Warns Sea Level Rise, Land Subsidence Imperil Many ‘Megacities’

A bulletin from Lloyd’s of London warns that, “as sea levels rise, ground levels in coastal megacities are also falling – with potentially disastrous implications for insurers. Insurers of large property portfolios in the world’s great coastal cities will have …

As Mid-August Approaches, Where Are All the Atlantic Hurricanes?

It’s almost the middle of August, and the Pacific has been cranking out hurricanes and typhoons all over the place. So, what’s with the Atlantic? After just about two and half months, hurricanes Arthur and Bertha are all the Atlantic …

Brit Gains in London as Premiums Rose 4.5% in First Half

Brit Plc, a Lloyd’s of London insurer, posted a 4.5 percent increase in premiums and said it would pay its first dividend following its initial public offering in March. The shares gained. Premiums before reinsurance expenses rose to £701.2 million …