Monthly Archives: <span>September 2014</span>

How Spouse’s Personality Influences Job Success

As people spend more and more time in the workplace, it’s natural for co-workers to develop close bonds — what’s often referred to as a “workplace spouse” or an “office wife.” But when it comes to pay raises, promotions and …

3 from Lockton Join Expanding JLT Specialty’s Cyber Team in U.S.

JLT Specialty Insurance Services Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of specialty insurance and reinsurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc (JLT), has named several cyber risk specialists to its cyber risk team in the U.S. Joining JLT Specialty will be Florence …

Companies to Pledge Action on Climate Change at UN Summit

While U.S. President Barack Obama and more than 100 other world leaders will meet in a summit devoted to climate change, the most tangible action on global warming this week may come from companies. Mars Inc. and others will announce …

AG Holder Seeks Tools to Prosecute Executives for White Collar Crimes

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder last Wednesday called for Congress to take steps to help prosecutors build criminal cases against senior Wall Street executives, saying companies often insulated their leaders from responsibility for misconduct. In a speech before New York …

Swiss Re’s Chief Economist Analyzes a Difficult Reinsurance Market

Over the past 13 years Swiss Re’s Chief Economist, Kurt Karl has been through a succession of reinsurance market ups and downs, but the current situation is somewhat new, and, as he told the IJ at the Reinsurance Rendezvous, it …

Investigators at Loss to Explain Air Algerie Crash in Mali

Investigators probing the crash of an Air Algerie jet in July that killed everyone on board say they have no solid leads on the cause of the accident. Bernard Boudaille of France’s accident investigation authority BEA says investigators still don’t …

Miami Hopes Storm Pumps, Seawall Will Protect Against Rising Seas

Climate change is not only already visible in iconic South Beach, but so is climate change adaptation, in the form of new storm water pumps meant to keep rising sea levels from swamping low-lying streets, city officials said Wednesday. Extreme …

Slight Decline in Work-Related Deaths in Louisiana in 2013

The number of work-related fatalities in 2013 in Louisiana declined to 114, according to a preliminary count by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in its Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) reported. The figure was …

People – Midwest

Portage, Mich.-based property/casualty MGA and surplus lines broker, J.M. Wilson, has promoted Crystal Russell to accounting operations supervisor. Russell is responsible for payment and account reconciliation of company accounts and assisting the treasurer with the preparation of monthly financial statements. …

States Ranked by Risk of Damage from Natural Hazards: CoreLogic

Florida, Rhode Island, Louisiana, California and Massachusetts are the top five states for exposure to multiple natural hazards, according to an analysis by CoreLogic, a property data and analytics firm. Michigan, West Virginia, New York, North Dakota and Vermont have …