Monthly Archives: <span>September 2014</span>

Fatal Occupational Injuries Decrease by 8% in Texas in 2013

In 2013, there were 493 fatal occupational injuries in Texas, an 8 percent decrease from 536 in 2012, the Texas Department of Insurance reported. The figures are based on preliminary data released release by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau …

10 Things to Know About Intellectual Property

Total global intellectual property applications worldwide in 2012: Patent – 2.35 million; Utility Model – 827,500; Trademark – 6.58 million; Industrial Design – 1.22 million. — World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Patent applications for the top 10 offices in 2012: …

Fighting Cybercrime

HSB, a specialty insurer that is part of Munich Re, along with Trail of Bits, a New York cybersecurity firm, recently presented a “Hacker Lab” to provide risk mitigation resources for small business owners. The event showed that cybercriminals view …

Customer Experience Makes Bigger Impact Than Policy, Claims

Many agents understand in principle that “customer experience” is the sum total of an agency’s interactions with prospects and policyholders. In practice, however, customer service often ends up focusing more on the policy transaction and claims, and less on what …

The Problem with Domestic Excess and Surplus Lines Insurers

It has been more than five years since states, beginning with Illinois, began to enact laws permitting the formation and licensing of domestic excess and surplus lines insurers. To date, these initiatives have gotten very little traction in the insurance …

OSHA Revises Severe Injury Reporting Rule

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a final rule requiring employers to notify OSHA when an employee is killed on the job or suffers a work-related hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye. Under the revised …

How a ‘Middle-Aged’ Marketer Can Help Your Agency Grow

It is common knowledge that if an agency wants to employ a dedicated marketer, hire a young person. They, and only they, know what is happening in social media. By virtue of their youth, and their presumed familiarity with all …

Top 5 Insurance Industry Misconceptions About Copyright

Few industries understand the concept of risk better than the insurance sector. But what about infringement risk? Sharing published information is essential to a company’s ability to thrive. Whether developing new insurance products, keeping abreast of state and legislative regulatory …


Stormy Relations “Storm surge and wind-driven waves flooded homes and moved them off their foundations in Kapoho, Hawaii County.” —Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie describing the damaging force of the tropical storm Iselle. His petition for disaster assistance for the storm …

Top 10 Causes of Business Insurance Losses

Nearly 70 percent of business financial losses arise from 10 causes of loss, with the largest single identified cause being ship groundings, reflecting the high values of modern shipping risks, followed by fires and aviation crashes, according to a report …