Monthly Archives: <span>January 2015</span>

West Virginia Schedules Storage Tank Regulation Hearing

West Virginia regulators are taking public comment and holding a hearing on a proposed rule that regulates aboveground storage tanks. The Department of Environmental Protection has opened comment on the proposed rule aiming to prevent chemical spills and water contamination. …

Sisters’ Whistleblower Case Over State Farm’s Katrina Claims Nears Court Date

State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. has appealed an order that it pay legal fees and damages of $3 million in a whistleblower lawsuit in which a jury found the insurer defrauded the government in a policyholder claim after Hurricane …

Aon Benfield 2015 Reinsurance Outlook Notes ‘Financial Security’ Strength

The roller coaster ride engendered by the entry of large amounts of alternative capital into the reinsurance market – originally seen as a threat – has turned out to be a major factor in strengthening the capital available to reinsurers …

Australian Wildfire Threat Eases as Cool Front Moves In

Cooler conditions on Sunday were helping hundreds of firefighters working to contain a massive wildfire that had forced thousands of people to flee their homes in southern Australia. A dozen homes have been destroyed by the fire in the Adelaide …

Supreme Court Weighs Hearing Mississippi DUI Blood Test Case

The U.S. Supreme Court will consider Jan. 16 whether to hear an appeal from a Mississippi man seeking to a new trial for an aggravated DUI conviction related to a 2012 accident that left a woman in a coma for …

UPDATE: Divers Hunt AirAsia Jet in Larger Area Amid Bad Weather

Indonesian Navy divers hunted for more wreckage and recorders from the crashed AirAsia Bhd. jetliner as inclement weather and mud at the bottom of the sea hampered their efforts. Three more bodies were recovered today, taking the total to 37, …

South Carolina Reports Rise in Highway Deaths in 2014

Officials said more people died on South Carolina roads in 2014 than in 2013. The Highway Patrol reported at least 807 deaths on state roads in 2014. That is up from 762 deaths in 2013, but less than the previous …

Workers’ Comp Insurers Unfazed by TRIA Failure For Now But Expect Quick Fix

The expectation that the new Congress that convenes this week will act quickly to reauthorize the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is keeping workers’ compensation insurers in particular from altering their behavior at least for now, according to insurance executives. …

Ohio Traffic Deaths Increased in 2014

Preliminary data indicate the number of Ohio traffic deaths for the past year probably won’t be another record low and might go back above 1,000. The State Highway Patrol reports 973 fatalities for the year, with at least 37 more …

Cancerous Transplant Malpractice Case Revived by Minnesota Court

A malpractice case for a Minnesota woman who died after receiving a transplant of a cancerous pancreas may be headed for a trial. The Minnesota Court of Appeals has ruled the case against Dr. Ty Dunn should head to court …