Monthly Archives: <span>April 2015</span>

Southeast Schools Hoping to Fill Need for Insurance Cybersecurity Experts

The insurance industry, like other businesses, has come to realize it needs to do more to protect its companies, customers, employees and portfolios from cyber threats. Cyber-savvy professionals are in high-demand and are being scooped up by companies needing to …

The Story Behind Southport Lane’s Collapse

An insurance empire that included two insurance carriers, two offshore reinsurers, several buildings and other insurers’ investments was built by a private equity firm in part on questionable assets and is now being dismantled, according to The Wall Street Journal. …

Pacific May Signal South Tornadoes

Southern states might look to the Pacific for an idea of what the future holds for tornado activity. The waters of the Pacific Ocean may provide some clues about tornadoes in the South, according to a paper in the journal …

WCIRB Submits Lower Mid-Year Filing

The California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau in April submitted a July 1 pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance proposing advisory rates that average $2.46 per $100 of payroll. The average proposed advisory pure premium rate …

People – West

Hub International Insurance Services Inc. has promoted Gay Catherine Chung to senior vice president and client director and Arturo Perez-Reyes to senior vice president and cyber-group leader of the executive liability practices division in the company’s commercial risk division in …

Can I be Held Negligent if My Self-Driving Car Causes an Accident?

On the topic of automation, Frank Lloyd Wright said: “If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.” It is safe to assume that Mr. Wright had no idea how true his words would ring …

Colorado Prosecutors Charge Uber Driver Accused of Attempted Break-In

Prosecutors have charged a Colorado Uber driver accused of trying to break into the home of a woman he drove to the airport. The Denver District Attorney’s Office announced in April that 51-year-old Gerald Montgomery was charged with attempted second-degree …

California Agent Nabbed on Bogus Bond, $100K Premium Theft Charges

Licensed insurance agent Lars Hedegaard, 63, of Danville, Calif. was arrested on two felony counts of grand theft in April. Hedegaard was doing business as Westport & Associates Insurance Services Inc. when he allegedly issued 14 fraudulent bonds to contractors …

Former California Agent Charged with Scamming Elderly Church Members

Constance Gail Fortune, 61, was arraigned in Los Angeles Superior Court in California in April and charged with three felony counts of grand theft and one felony count of financial elder abuse for allegedly scamming seniors, many of whom were …

Nearly 500K License Applications in California Under AB60

California received nearly a half-million applications for driver’s licenses from immigrants in the country illegally in the three months since a new law took effect. Department of Motor Vehicles Director Jean Shiomoto said in a statement that the figure shows …