Monthly Archives: <span>June 2015</span>

Turbulence Ahead

The workers’ compensation industry fared well in 2014. Net written premium for workers’ compensation continued its upward trend, with 2014 marking the fourth consecutive year of premium increases. According to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), the preliminary estimate …

Is Insurance Industry Falling in Love With Technology Again?

Back in the 2000s, shortly after the dot-com bubble, I remember being part of discussions where the role of technology within the insurance industry was being debated. At the time, there was a strong drive to outsource in the interests …

Companies Let Most Technology Assets Go Unprotected: Aon/Ponemon

Cyber is one of the fastest growing risks for companies across the globe, and information technology assets are often as valuable as property assets, yet companies are only protecting 12 percent of those assets compared to 51 percent of tangible …

West Virginia Supreme Court Rules Addicts Can Sue Pharmacies, Doctors

Pharmacies and doctors who negligently prescribe pain medication can be sued for enabling people’s addictions, the West Virginia Supreme Court ruled. The ruling last month involved 29 people who were patients of Mingo County, W. Va.’s Mountain Medical Center. Most …

WCRI: North Carolina Workers’ Comp Indemnity Benefits Higher than Most States

North Carolina’s workers’ compensation system had the highest indemnity benefits per claim of 17 states in a recent Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) study, which serves as a baseline to observe the effects of the state’s 2011 workers’ comp reforms. …

Florida Will Not Appeal Decision Favoring Deloitte in Poe Financial Collapse

The Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS) will not appeal the recent jury decision that found Deloitte & Touche not liable in the insolvency of Tampa-based Poe Financial Group following the unprecedented series of hurricanes in 2004 and 2005. In …

People – Southeast

Frankie Silva has been named assistant vice president of underwriting at GEICO’s regional office in Lakeland, Fla. Silva previously served as assistant vice president of underwriting in the company’s San Diego regional office. Silva succeeds Don Robinson, who was named …

Texas Governor Signs Bill Preempting Cities’ Drilling Bans

Texas’ governor has signed a measure that blocks municipalities and other local governments from regulating most oil and gas production activities within their jurisdictions Gov. Greg Abbott on May 18 signed House Bill 40, sometimes called the “Denton fracking bill,” …

Oklahoma Governor Signs Public Adjuster Bill

Oklahoma’s governor signed legislation proposed by the state insurance department that specifies certain required and prohibited actions of public adjusters. According to Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak, Senate Bill 439, signed by Gov. Mary Fallin aims to protect Oklahoma storm …

Honesty the Best Policy with Food-Related Recalls

While peanut butter and cantaloupe made news in recent years, ice cream is the latest item to be pulled off grocery store shelves due to foodborne-illness. Brenham, Texas-based Blue Bell Creameries’ listeria-tainted ice cream has been linked to at least …