Daily Archives: <span>June 9, 2016</span>

N.Y. Financial Regulator Nominee Vullo Signals Business-Friendly Approach

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s pick to become the state’s top financial regulator on Wednesday signaled she would take a more business-friendly approach than her predecessor, who was known for his pursuit of big banks. “I believe in compromise to …

Security Vendors, Partnerships Offer Key to Simplifying, Selling Cyber Insurance Online: CoverHound CEO

CoverHound CEO Keith Moore has a vision of simplifying cyber insurance sales that involves underwriting the security vendors used by insureds—a model that could ultimately allow small business customers to bind their cyber policies online. That’s just one part of …

Miller Begins Succession Plans with New CEO Lined Up for 2017

Commencing its board succession plans, London-based Miller Insurance Services LLP announced that Greg Collins will be appointed deputy chief executive officer, with an aim to name him CEO next year. Miller also has appointed Ben Speers to the board as …

U.S. Wants Safety ‘Two Times Better’ for Autonomous Cars

Self-driving cars must increase safety at least twofold to make a real dent in the 38,000 lives lost on American roads last year, the U.S. auto-safety chief said as the federal government prepares to release rules for autonomous vehicles next …

The One Auto Insurance Commercial That Really TICKS Me Off

I’ll spare you the suspense, the one auto insurance commercial that really ticks me off (and I mean it causes a physical and even visceral response) is the Good2Go Auto commercial. This is not a word-for-word recount of the ad, …

Global Disasters During May to Cost Insurers at Least $7B: Aon Report

Global disasters led to at least $7 billion in claims during May as insurers aid the recovery process following wildfires, floods, and storms, according to Impact Forecasting, Aon Benfield’s catastrophe model development team. An historic wildfire caused catastrophic damage in …

Delta Lloyd to Raise $226M with Sale of Stake in Van Lanschot

Delta Lloyd NV may raise as much as 198.4 million euros ($226 million) through the sale of its stake in wealth manager Van Lanschot NV after shares were priced at 16 euros apiece. The offering size was 180 million euros …

XL Catlin Launches Team to Focus on Alternative Risk Transfer Products

XL Catlin’s insurance operations has launched a new team to focus on alternative risk transfer and non-traditional insurance globally. The team, named Structured Risk Solutions (SRS), is a dedicated global underwriting unit charged with providing XL Catlin’s clients with customized …

Here’s How Autonomous Car Sales Will Accelerate in Next Two Decades

Global sales of autonomous vehicles will reach nearly 21 million vehicles by 2035, a substantial increase from previous estimates, according to a forecast from the automobile industry information firm IHS Automotive. By 2025, there will be about 600,000 autonomous vehicles …

Jury Finds for University of Florida in Hiring Discrimination Suit

The University of Florida has prevailed in a lawsuit brought by a former faculty member. In the 2013 lawsuit Dana Peterson claimed he was denied a promotion to a director’s position because it was given to a “less-qualified” candidate who …