Monthly Archives: <span>October 2016</span>

Texas Fines Zenefits $550K for Using Unlicensed Brokers

Texas insurance regulators have fined human resources software startup, Zenefits, $550,000 for its past use of unlicensed health insurance brokers. The Texas Department of Insurance said YourPeople Inc., known as Zenefits, used unlicensed staff to sell and administer insurance plans …

SILVER Best Agency to Work For 2016 – South Central Eagan Insurance Agency

Best Agency to Work For – SILVER Metairie, Louisiana Eagan Insurance Agency You might think a family owned insurance agency with roots more than a century old would be steeped in tradition and content to operate on past glories, but …

Court Nulls Medical Liability Cap Proposal on Arkansas Ballot

Arkansas’ Supreme Court said on Oct. 13 that voters won’t be able to consider a measure that would limit the amount of money awarded in medical liability cases because the language on the November ballot doesn’t fully describe what the …

It’s Official: Florida Workers’ Comp Rates Going Up Nearly 15%

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) has issued a final order granting approval to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) for an overall combined statewide average rate increase of 14.5 percent. This rate increase applies to all workers’ …

People – Southeast

The National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) elected Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance (TDCI) Deputy Commissioner Gary West as secretary-treasurer during its annual membership meeting in July. West, who oversees TDCI’s Fire Prevention Division (which includes the State …

North Carolina Insurers Want Supreme Court Review of 25% Rate Hike Denial

The homeowners insurance rate increase disagreement between the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) and the insurance industry is not over. The North Carolina Rate Bureau (NCRB), which files rates with NCDOI on behalf of insurers writing in the state, …

SILVER Best Agency to Work For 2016 – Southeast LassiterWare

Best Agency to Work For – SILVER Leesburg, Florida LassiterWare The employees of Leesburg, Fla.-based LassiterWare say they feel more like they are part of a family than an insurance agency, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. “LassiterWare …

California Comp Report Shows High Medical and Indemnity Payments for IE and OC

Average medical and indemnity payments on claims were much higher in San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange and Imperial counties than the rest of the state, according to the latest Regional Score Card issued by the California Workers’ Compensation Institute. The score …

People – West

Topa Insurance Group has named Judith Provencher senior vice president in claims in its Calabasas, Calif., office. Provencher Oversees all claims operations within the Topa group. She has more than 25 years of experience. She was previously vice president in …

SILVER Best Agency to Work For 2016 – West Bolton & Co

Best Agency to Work For – SILVER Pasadena, California Bolton & Co. “The people.” That succinct answer came from an employee at Bolton & Co. who was prompted to explain “Why your agency is one of the best to work …