Monthly Archives: <span>March 2017</span>

Police Report on Uber Self-Driving Car Crash Tells Complex Tale

A recent crash involving an Uber Technologies Inc. driverless car suggests autonomous software sometimes takes the same risks as the humans it may one day replace. The accident on Friday in Tempe, Arizona, caused no major injuries. Another human-driven car …

Citizens Seeks Florida Agents’ Help Fighting Water Claims Abuse

As the Florida property market fights what has so far been a losing battle against attorneys and unlicensed contractor firms over water loss claims and assignment of benefits (AOB), Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Florida’s property insurer of last resort, has …

Citizens Posts Net Loss of $27M for 2016; Says Water Losses, AOB Abuse to Blame

Citizens Property Insurance Corp. will post a net loss for 2016, its first loss in more than a decade, as water loss claims, assignment of benefit (AOB) abuse and litigation costs increasingly impact the company’s bottom line, according to a …

Texas Raises Interest, Discount Rate for Workers’ Comp

The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation reports that the workers’ comp discount rate and interest rate for April 1 to June 30, 2017, will be 4.50 percent. The rate is computed by using the federal treasury constant …

Shell Bill Filed in Arkansas Would Allow Alternate Workers’ Comp System

An Arkansas state senator has filed a bill that would create an alternate system for benefits to injured workers. As yet, SB 653 by Sen. David J. Sanders contains no specifics beyond a statement of purpose, which is “to establish …

A.M Best Assigns Rating to ICC Holdings; Affirms Illinois Casualty Ratings

A.M. Besthas assigned a long-term issuer credit rating (Long-Term ICR) of “bb” to ICC Holdings Inc.(ICC Holdings) in Rock Island, Ill., a recently formed publicly traded holding company for the demutualization of Illinois Casualty Co. (Illinois Casualty), also based in …

Proposed Wisconsin Bill Targets Adults Who Host Underage Drinkers

Adults who let teenagers drink in their homes would be breaking the law under a proposal two Republican Wisconsin lawmakers are circulating. The bill would address what Rep. Andre Jacque and Sen. Van Wanggaard call the “social host” loophole in …

Little Rock, Arkansas, Now Offers DWI Sobriety Court Option

Little Rock, Ark., has started a sobriety court program that treats certain people charged with driving while intoxicated. The yearlong intensive program allows “hardcore DWI offenders” to choose that option instead of serving jail time, heavy fines and community service …

Iowa Workers’ Comp Overhaul Bill Sent to Governor

The Iowa Senate has approved a bill to overhaul how workers are compensated for on-the-job injuries, sending the measure to Gov. Terry Branstad. The legislation, which passed with only Republican support, reduces benefits for employees injured at work in Iowa. …

Alaska Workers’ Comp Reform Has Labor, Businesses Disagreeing

Alaska Gov. Bill Walker is sponsoring workers’ compensation legislation aimed at making it easier to determine whether someone is an employee or an independent contractor. Walker’s bill creates a new definition for independent contractors to determine if employers have to …