Monthly Archives: <span>April 2019</span>

Young Agents Survey: What Young Agents Want

Young agents don’t always feel supported by their elder peers. They say training is sometimes lacking for newbies in the agency world. They don’t see enough diversity in leadership. And they continue to say that technology inside the industry lags …

Closer Look: Tim Davis

Missouri’s Davis Learns Alligator Lesson, Laments Agency Tech Dinosaurs Once, at the beginning of his career, Tim Davis was asked to find workers’ compensation insurance coverage for an alligator farm in Florida. It didn’t go well. Davis, who currently serves …

Good Training: Why Agencies Should Invest in People

Employees should have continual training. They should be trained in “conflict resolution, hospitality and emotional intelligence,” according to Richard Branson of Virgin Cos. Employees need to truly understand the customer’s perspective to resolve issues and not push the problems or …

Students from Eight Colleges Participate in Virtual Agency Competition

College students from eight universities recently formed teams and spent a month running a simulated insurance agency as part of a virtual online competition developed by PriSim War Games, a provider of computerized business simulation games. The competition, hosted by …


Disaster Insurance “Allowing the state to invest in an insurance policy will provide predictability and limit taxpayers’ risk of increasing disaster costs.” –California state Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, said legislation that he introduced could lead the state to consider buying …

Closer Look Patrick Stephens

If Florida’s Stephens Were Not a Broker, He’d Find Another Job in Insurance Being a young insurance broker in Florida is never boring for Patrick Stephens, who started in the industry three years ago. Florida’s penchant for storms keeps the …

What Companies May Not Know About an Exclusion

Hiding in Their D&O Policies Many private companies believe that procuring a directors and officers liability (D&O) policy ensures that their executives are covered. But, does the D&O policy really protect their C-Suites? The answer to that question often depends …

Renewable Energy Industry Sees Uptick in Claims

The frequency and severity of insurance claims in the U.S. renewable energy market have significantly increased over the last five years, meaning insurers and asset owners must reset their benchmark for renewable energy risks, according to an insurer that specializes …

Closer Look Danielle Moscinski

Florida’s Moscinski Values Getting Clients to Value Coverage Over Price Danielle Moscinski says she has come a long way since she joined the insurance industry in 2006. Among her most important and earliest lessons was understanding she doesn’t know the …

Closer Look: Tanner Eldredge

A broker for The Buckner Co. in Salt Lake City, Utah, has been in the business for five years, yet he has become convinced this property/casualty agency is for him. Tanner Eldredge became interested in insurance as a missionary for …