Monthly Archives: <span>May 2020</span>

K2 Insurance Services Completes Purchase of MGA Pioneer Underwriters

K2 Insurance Services LLC, the specialty insurance services holding company, has completed the purchase of Pioneer Underwriters, the London-based managing general agency. The deal was facilitated with a portfolio transfer, whereby Pioneer’s ongoing underwriting portfolio, together with underwriting and support …

Agency Says Asbestos Cleanup Complete in Montana Superfund Site

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the completion of all required cleanup activities within a unit of a Montana Superfund site. The federal agency removed a portion of an asbestos-contaminated mining operation in Libby from its National Priorities List, The …

Virus from Africa Kills Horses in Thailand, Showing Dangers of Biosecurity Gaps

When horses suddenly started dying in Thailand as the nation locked down to stem the spread of COVID-19, researchers feared the cause was another deadly bat-borne virus that could kill humans. “We had no idea what was causing it,” said …

Maine’s AK Insurance Joins Satellite Agency Network Group

AK Insurance of Westbrook, Maine, recently joined Satellite Agency Network (SAN) Group Inc., an alliance of independent insurance agencies in the Northeast. AK Insurance was founded in April 2020 by owner Alex Kapothanasis and provides a full line of property …

Farm Workers Getting Sick, Spreading Coronavirus As Peak Produce Season Begins

All of the roughly 200 employees on a produce farm in Tennessee tested positive for Covid-19 this month. In New Jersey, more than 50 workers had the virus at a farm in Gloucester County, adding to nearly 60 who fell …

New Hampshire Man Charged in Scheme that Used Bitcoin to Buy Personal Data

A New Hampshire man has been charged in a fraud scheme that involved using Bitcoin to buy stolen personal data belonging to people across the country, officials said. Jonathan Nguyen, 23, of Windham, was charged Tuesday in federal court with …

New Lawsuit Filed Against Virginia Tech Over Hazing

Another former cadet has filed a lawsuit against Virginia Tech over being suspended in connection with a blood-pinning ceremony. The lawsuit filed Wednesday in federal court alleges the university violated the due process rights of Christopher J. Dana when it …

U.S. Warns Partners, Industrial Firms About Russian Hacking Operation

The U.S. National Security Agency on Thursday warned government partners and private companies about a Russian hacking operation that uses a special intrusion technique to target operating systems often used by industrial firms to manage computer infrastructure. “This is a …

Federal Reserve Finds Businesses Not So Optimistic About Economy

Businesses across the country surveyed by the Federal Reserve don’t appear to share the Trump administration’s optimism about a rapid economic recovery starting this summer. The Federal Reserve released a report Wednesday that draws on business contacts from the central …

California Approves PG&E Bankruptcy Plan With Oversight, Safety Conditions

California regulators approved PG&E Corp.’s $58 billion reorganization plan, bringing the power giant another step closer to exiting the biggest utility bankruptcy in U.S. history. The state’s Public Utilities Commission unanimously voted in favor of PG&E’s proposal after the company …