Monthly Archives: <span>May 2020</span>

Willis Towers Watson Forms Risk Services Group for Distressed Organizations

Willis Towers Watson has formed a new unit serving companies facing bankruptcy or restructuring. The new unit, Strategic Solutions Group (SSG), is within its Financial, Executive and Professional Risks (FINEX) global practice and Mergers & Acquisitions Group. SSG will provide …

Florida Market Study Will Evaluate Exposures, Strategies for Citizens Property Insurance

Citizens Property Insurance Corp., Florida’s insurer of last resort, has moved forward with an independent study that will evaluate the insurer’s potential exposures from the state’s troubled property insurance market. The Citizens’ Board of Governors voted at its last meeting …

REUTERS SPECIAL REPORT: When Cops Kill, Redress Is Rare, Except in Famous Cases

The 2014 shooting death of black teen Michael Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, prompted angry protests and trained a national spotlight on a perceived lack of police accountability for violent encounters with the public. Since then, …

REUTERS SPECIAL REPORT: A United Front Takes Aim at Police Immunity From Lawsuits

The diverse opponents of qualified immunity have thrown their weight behind at least five appeals now awaiting the Supreme Court’s attention, each considered a potential means of removing or softening the doctrine. One of them is the case of Alexander …

Firefighters Battle Raging Florida Wildfire as Many Florida Residents Return Home

For two sleepless nights, Kelly Kniss had wondered what had become of her home in the Florida Panhandle and the two dozen hens she and her husband Ryan had left behind after authorities ordered them to grab what they could …

Alabama Reopens Restaurants, Bars with Limits

Alabama’s dine-in restaurants, bars, salons and gyms will be allowed to reopen with limits as the state eases restrictions during the continuing state mic, Gov. Kay Ivey said Friday. New guidelines taking effect Monday require that social distancing rules remain …

Axon Launches Cyber Insurance Program for SMEs

Axon Underwriting Services, a specialty lines program administrator, has added CyberAdvantage to its suite of specialized insurance products for small to medium size enterprises (SME). The proprietary cyber liability program is backed by Lloyd’s of London and responds to client …

Southwest Jet Hits, Kills Man on Austin Airport Runway

A man was struck and killed on May 7 by a commercial jet landing on a runaway at an airport in Austin, Texas, authorities said. The pilot of Southwest Airlines Flight 1392, a Boeing 737 arriving from Dallas, reported seeing …

Auditor: Coronavirus, Oil Glut Could Cost Louisiana Local Governments $1B

The coronavirus battle and the world oil glut could cost cities, parishes and school boards in Louisiana anywhere from $404 million to $1.1 billion over two fiscal years, the state’s Legislative Auditor’s Office said on May 7. Business shutdowns and …

Indiana Too Quick to Clear Amazon in Worker’s Death, Report Finds

Indiana’s safety agency prematurely released Amazon from citations and fines in the death of a warehouse employee who was crushed by a forklift, a federal investigation has found. Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration absolved the online retailer of any …