Monthly Archives: <span>April 2022</span>

Shell’s Board Faces Personal Liability for Failure to Cut Emissions: Environment Group

A group that won a victory over energy major Shell last year with a Dutch court order to deepen greenhouse gas cuts has warned the company’s board of possible personal responsibility if it fails to implement the verdict. The Hague …

Tech Giants Could Face Billions in Fines Under EU’s New Content Rules

The world’s biggest technology companies could face billions of dollars in fines for breaches of new European Union legislation after lawmakers reached an agreement on its scope early Saturday. The landmark Digital Services Act is the EU’s answer to what …

Climate Change Exacerbates Extreme Weather in Europe: Report

Climate change produced another record-breaking year of extreme weather in Europe in 2021, triggering catastrophic flooding and the hottest summer on record, according to scientists at the Copernicus Climate Change Service. Summer temperatures in Europe last year were one degree …

Britain to Write Rules Forcing Companies to Publish Plans for Net Zero Transition

Britain unveiled a new taskforce on Monday to write rules forcing financial firms and listed companies to publish plans from next year for transitioning to a net zero economy by 2050. Last November at the COP26 UN Climate Summit, British …

Allstate to Increase Magnitude of Auto Rate Hikes in 2022

Allstate said it is raising auto insurance rates more due to continued upticks in physical damage and bodily injury severity. The personal property insurer said in a statement on April 21 that first quarter unfavorable non-catastrophe prior-year reserves re-estimates were …

Column: Amid Increasing Abuse, Officials Walking Away From Youth Sports

By PAUL NEWBERRY AP Sports Columnist ATLANTA — When one looks at the ugly bruise encircling Kristi Moore’s left eye, it’s not surprising so many refs and umps are hanging up their stripes. Why put up with incessant taunts and …

Maine Court Rules Intertidal Zone Belongs to Beachfront Owners

A state judge has ruled that the intertidal zone belongs to beachfront property owners but the judge’s ruling didn’t specify what activities, if any, might be allowed there. The ruling was a setback for plaintiffs who sued last year to …

I Don’t Blame Vyrd. I Blame the System.

I had planned to write and try and answer the question, how can Demotech give a brand-new company (Florida newcomer, Vyrd Insurance) an A rating before they even write a single policy. As I looked into the rating process (which …

The Hartford Partners With Earthwatch on Pollinator Program

The Hartford said it is partnering with Earthwatch, an international environmental organization, on a citizen-science project to document pollinators with the goal of understanding if key species are declining and how climate change may be affecting pollinator populations. One area …

Fla. Supreme Court: Pre-Suit Notices Need Only Be Mailed, Not Received, Before Deadline

It’s when the letter is mailed, not when it is received, that determines if a plaintiff in a medical malpractice case complied with Florida law on pre-suit notifications, the Florida Supreme Court decided Thursday. “It is the timely mailing of …