Monthly Archives: <span>July 2024</span>

Big Data, AI and the Rate-Making Revolution Can Mean Intellectual Property Trouble for Rating Organizations

The insurance industry has increasingly relied upon the use of big data to enhance its operations and core functionalities, and one way this trend has manifested is in the realms of property and casualty business, where big data is being …

The 10 Major Risks Shaping Insurance Today

I readily admit that lists of top risks, top threats, and opportunities for insurance are well-trodden ground, and ranking risks in order of importance inevitably triggers debate about which risk should be near the top or bottom, rather than the …

Spring Cleaning: Getting Your Agency in Order for Sale

Rising interest rates have clipped the bloom from the rose in terms of sky-high sales multiples for many agency sales transactions. Despite continued strong demand for acquisitions, buyers are simply constrained by prime rates above 8%. Unfortunately, after two decades …

Finding New Producers

Most of our agency clients tell us they have a hard time finding producers. They want to know where to look and how to bring them in. It is not an easy task to find someone, especially a producer from …

The Role of Data Analytics in Marketing for Insurance

The strategic application of data analytics has become a cornerstone of success in the insurance industry. Data analytics and predictive modeling offer insurance entities a powerful means to identify profitable market segments, optimize pricing strategies, and refine marketing efforts. Here …

Green Design Expectations

There’s a lack of “green” design specialization but that’s OK, says Kevin Collins, A&E Professional Liability Practice Leader, at Victor. “It’s pretty easy to get coverage for firms that are involved in green design,” Collins said. “It’s easy to place …

Managing Expectations While Going Green

By Andrea Wells From increased wildfires to flooding to wind and hail and hurricanes, the risks and resulting losses from climate change grow each year. While 2023 was the hottest year on record, 2024 is shaping up to beat that …

Room for Growth in Smaller Green Energy Market

How are insurers viewing the solar and renewable energy markets? While large risks likely have no problem, smaller to middle risks may face difficulty. “I certainly think there’s a gap in the smaller risk area,” said Loren Henry, vice president, …

What Agents Need to Know About Manufacturers E&O

Demand for technology-related products such as computer chips, semiconductors, electric vehicle batteries and embedded software is rapidly increasing in today’s tech-driven society, which is in turn increasing demand — and opportunities — for manufacturers. But as manufacturers strive to meet …

Cyber Extortion Reached Record High in US and Canada in 2023: Marsh

Multiple companies in the United States and Canada experienced a record number of cyber extortion events in 2023 and unprecedented demands, a new report from Marsh shows. The report, Ransomware: A persistent challenge in cyber insurance claims, also showed an …