Latest Additional Insureds Headlines

All the headlines from our Additional Insureds Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Differences Between Named Insured and Additional Insured: Part 2

Apr 22 2024 // This post is part of a series sponsored by TSIB. When working on a construction project, the company you are working for may ask to be an Additional Named Insured or an Additional Insured. It’s easy to believe that...

Differences Between Named Insured and Additional Insured: Part 1

Apr 19 2024 // This post is part of a series sponsored by TSIB (updated 5/22/24). Often, the terms named insured and additional insured get lumped together to be interchangeable. However, that is not the case. Keep reading to learn about...

All Additional Insureds Aren’t the Same

Feb 7 2022 // For at least the past couple of decades, it seems that in just about every contract, the upstream party wants to be an additional insured (AI) on the downstream party’s insurance. Most commonly, the request is for AI...

4 Thoughts About THREE

May 8 2019 // I’ve held off commenting very much on THREE, the new three-page commercial policy by Berkshire Hathaway. It’s time for a few of my thoughts. It has only been filed in a limited number of states. So far, THREE...

Analysis: Warren Buffett Champions an Inferior Product in THREE Policy

Mar 25 2019 // Warren Buffett, often ahead of the curve, sounded like a disrupter in a 2004 shareholder letter. Fifteen years ago, Buffett wrote, “Insurers have generally earned poor returns for a single reason: They sell a...

Proper Insurance Coverage for Construction Crucial in Avoiding Costly Litigation

Sep 3 2018 // If residential property owners don’t confirm proper insurance coverage and carefully consider labor laws when hiring contractors, they could be in for some costly litigation, according to two speakers at a July...

2 Additional Insured Hints We Must Consider

Jan 10 2018 // I don’t know what’s more ubiquitous in insurance, the veiled claim report that starts with, “So, would there be coverage if…” or the request to add an additional insured. When I was an...

Small Businesses Can Manage, Cancel Own Policies with Next Insurance Portal

Sep 14 2017 // Digital small business insurance provider Next Insurance has unveiled a new online portal giving small businesses more control over their insurance policies. The portal offers what Next says are several unique insurance...

Renovation at the Deli, Part 2

Jul 26 2017 // If you didn’t read last week’s post, Renovation at the Deli; A Story About Additional Insureds, go ahead and do that now. It’ll give you the background on this week’s post. When Frank (the deli...

Renovation at the Deli; A Story About Additional Insureds

Jul 19 2017 // One of the primary questions that have to be asked about an insurance policy is: who is an insured? Every policy has language that defines and limits who is eligible to find coverage there. On the CGL policy, the question...

A Few E&O Tips to Watch: Certificates, Carrier Ratings and Alternative Markets

Jun 5 2017 // It seems agencies today have more challenges than ever. Below are three tips to reduce errors and omissions (E&O) exposures. 1. Send Certificates of Insurance I would love to share with you a story regarding a...

5 Words You Can’t Ignore in the Policy

Apr 3 2017 // Everywhere I look in my office, I see books, magazines, papers, and screens full of words. From my college books to an old family Bible to my insurance and business books, I’m surrounded by words. I have a laptop...

Who Is An ‘Insured’ – Are You Sure?

May 18 2016 // Who is an “Insured?” Not as basic a question as it may sound. Status as an insured must exist before ANY question of coverage can be tackled – if the correct “person” is not named as an insured or...

5 Reasons the ‘Primary and Noncontributory’ Requirement is Unethical, Ironic and Ridiculous

May 2 2016 // Several weeks ago I released an article questioning the need for the “primary and noncontributory” (PNC) requirement found in most construction contracts. I followed that article with a piece stating that the...

The ‘Primary and Noncontributory’ Tool Or Why this Requirement Should Disappear

Mar 29 2016 // Upper tier contractors seek to avoid, through the use of various transfer mechanisms, the financial costs that can result from bodily injury or property damage to a third party caused or contributed to by other parties...

The MOST Basic CGL Coverage Concept

Feb 29 2016 // Begin at the beginning – with the insuring agreement! Coverage can never be any broader. This is the most basic CGL coverage concept. Before applying the policy’s exclusions, exceptions or conditions to a loss,...

E&O Insights: How Well Are You Managing Your Agency’s Commercial Lines Accounts?

Oct 19 2015 // Ask errors and omissions (E&O) carriers about their results when dealing with commercial lines shops and most, if not all, would comment that heavy commercial lines agencies definitely generate their share of E&O...

Additional Insureds and Reduced Coverage Limits!

Sep 1 2015 // Commercial general liability (CGL) claims involve three parties: 1) the insured(s); 2) the insurer; and 3) the injured. CGL coverage part “A” is designed to protect all insureds against the financial...

Additional Insured Endorsements in Construction

Jun 15 2015 // To get on a job, contractors often have to show proof of insurance and name the individuals hiring them as additional insureds on the contractors’ commercial general liability (CGL) policies. By doing this, the...

Contractual Risk Transfer: The Basics

Mar 16 2015 // Upper tier contractors seek to avoid the financial costs that can arise out of bodily injury or property damage to a third party caused by a lower tier (subcontractor) for which they (the upper tier) could be held...