Latest AIG Headlines

All the headlines from our AIG Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Regulators: AIG Not Using Bailout Funds to Under-Price Insurance

Apr 6 2009 // Despite some complaints by competitors, American International Group (AIG) does not appear to be using federal bailout funds to lower its insurance prices to keep and attract business, state and federal officials told a...

Business Moves

Apr 6 2009 // AIG American International Group (AIG) has taken down the most prominent sign at its downtown Manhattan offices. According to a Reuters report, the company replaced the large AIG sign — outside the entrance to its...

Business Moves

Apr 6 2009 // AIG American International Group is taking down the most prominent sign at its downtown Manhattan offices. According to a Reuters report, a spokesman said the company had decided to replace the large AIG sign —...

Witch Hunt at AIG; While Lloyd’s Sees ‘Flight to Quality’

Apr 6 2009 // The witch hunt that has engulfed AIG needs to be toned down. If for no other reason than it’s making the problem worse, not better. It also reduces the likelihood that U.S. taxpayers will get back any of the money...

AIG’s Ex-CEO Greenberg Scheduled for House Committee Testimony

Apr 2 2009 // The chairman of a U.S. House oversight panel said Wednesday he will soon call the chief executive of American International Group Inc. to testify, amid the committee’s ongoing probe of the fall of the insurance...

AIG Ex-CEO Greenberg, Congress Spar Over Company Mess

Apr 2 2009 // Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, former CEO of American International Group Inc. and creator of the AIG unit whose investments triggered the insurance giants’s near collapse, portrayed himself as a victim in...

Former General Re CFO Monrad Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison

Apr 2 2009 // The former chief financial officer at a unit of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. was sentenced to 18 months in prison Thursday for her role in a scheme to manipulate American International Group Inc.’s financial...

Two AIG Directors Will Not Seek Re-Election

Apr 1 2009 // American International Group Inc. directors Virginia M. Rometty and Michael H. Sutton will not seek re-election at the insurer’s annual meeting, an AIG filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission showed...

Lawsuit Against AIG Seeks Return of Bonuses, Perks

Mar 30 2009 // A lawsuit filed on behalf of shareholders of American International Group Inc. is demanding company executives return millions of dollars in bonuses, dividends and other perks. The lawsuit, which seeks class-action status,...

Ex-AIG Worker Sentenced to 1 Year in Prison for $500K Theft

Mar 27 2009 // A federal judge in Delaware has sentenced a former AIG employee who stole nearly $500,000 over four years to a year and a day in prison Stacey Baisden, who pleaded guilty to mail fraud last year, apologized in court...

AIG Executive Defends Multimillion Dollar Bonuses at Connecticut Hearing

Mar 27 2009 // An executive at American International Group Inc. defended the insurer’s controversial $165 million in bonuses in a hearing in Hartford, saying the recipients did not create the problems that led to a government...

Bank of East Asia to Buy AIG’s Taiwan Securities Unit

Mar 26 2009 // The Bank of East Asia said on Thursday that it has signed a deal to buy the Taiwan securities arm of American International Group as the ailing U.S. insurance giant sells assets to raise cash. “The deal is subject to...

Connecticut Lawmakers Delay Vote on AIG Bill

Mar 26 2009 // The Connecticut House of Representatives is not ready to vote on a bill that would stop companies that received federal assistance, such as American International Group Inc., from awarding bonuses under a state...

AIG, Credit Default Swaps and the Lack of Regulation

Mar 25 2009 // Credit default swaps (CDS’s) total $58 trillion in notional value (face value) worldwide and are regulated by…no one; this according to September 23, 2008, testimony given before congress by Christopher Cox, US...

Obama Team Seeks Powers to Wind Down Non-Banks Like AIG

Mar 25 2009 // The Obama administration Tuesday mounted a full-scale push for government authority to shut down troubled institutions like insurer AIG to avoid the need for future bailouts. U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner,...

Treasury’s Geithner, Fed’s Bernanke Testify on AIG, Need for Reform

Mar 24 2009 // U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told an angry Congress on Tuesday that he needs authority to step in to shut down troubled institutions like American International Group to avoid future government...

New York Federal Reserve Chief: U.S. to Get Back All Funds Given to AIG

Mar 24 2009 // The new head of the New York Federal Reserve Tuesday defended saving American International Group from collapse as the right thing to do to prevent further damage to the world economy and said AIG will eventually be able...

15 AIG Employees Give Back Bonuses

Mar 24 2009 // Fifteen of 20 American International Group leading bonus recipients have agreed to give them back in full, said New York’s top legal officer who is probing into $165 million in executive pay at the troubled company...

Senate Push Over AIG Bonuses Appears to Lose Steam

Mar 24 2009 // U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed Monday to push to recoup millions of dollars in executive bonuses at taxpayer-funded insurer American International Group, but the legislation appeared to be losing momentum in...

It Figures

Mar 23 2009 // $1 Billion The effects of the widespread peanut butter recall could cost rural America’s peanut producers $1 billion in lost production and sales, according to testimony at a House subcommittee hearing. That could be...