Latest Brexit Headlines

All the headlines from our Brexit Topic Page, ordered by recency.

U.K. Police Drop Probe Into Pro-Brexit Group Leave.EU, Co-Founded by Insurance Exec

Sep 13 2019 // U.K. police dropped an investigation into whether Brexit supporting campaign Leave.EU breached electoral law, saying there was insufficient evidence to justify any further criminal probe. While Leave.EU made some...

U.K. Prime Minister Warned that Parliament ‘Forcefully’ Will Try to Stop No-Deal Brexit

Sep 13 2019 // Boris Johnson’s Brexit troubles deepened as the Speaker of the House of Commons warned him Parliament will “forcefully” try to stop him taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal. The premier...

UK Government Will Not Delay Brexit, Says PM Johnson

Sep 10 2019 // Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday he would not request an extension to Brexit, hours after a law came into force demanding that he delay Britain’s departure from the European Union until 2020 unless he can...

UK PM’s Brexit Plan Suffers Humiliating Defeat as Election Fight Looms

Sep 4 2019 // U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson began moves to trigger a snap general election after suffering a humiliating defeat for his Brexit strategy that left his ruling party in tatters. A fresh poll to choose a new government...

UK Finance Minister Tells Executives Finance Sector Is His Priority as Brexit Nears

Sep 3 2019 // British finance minister Sajid Javid told representatives of the country’s financial services industry on Monday that the sector was a top priority for him as the country prepares to leave the European Union, a...

Brexit Is Moving £61 Billion in London Insurance Business to Rival Financial Centers

Sep 3 2019 // London’s outsized role in the global insurance industry is being whittled down by Brexit. As much as 61 billion pounds ($75 billion) of business is shifting to rival financial centers in the European Union as a...

U.K. Prime Minister Johnson Forces Brexit Showdown

Aug 29 2019 // British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s move to suspend parliament and come good on his promise to avoid any more delays to Brexit has set the clock running for his opponents to thwart him. The question is whether...

U.K. Government Optimistic that Brexit Talks Can Begin Again

Aug 27 2019 // The U.K. government sees an opportunity to restart Brexit negotiations with the European Union after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s meetings last week with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President...

Prospect of Brexit Deal Is ‘Touch and Go,’ Acknowledges PM Johnson

Aug 26 2019 // U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged Sunday that the prospect of a Brexit deal was “touch and go,” as other European Union capitals grasp the problems Britain has with the withdrawal...

Key Irish Businesses Said Unprepared for Brexit, Face Supply Chain Risk

Aug 22 2019 // Some of the Irish businesses most exposed to the risk of Britain crashing out of the European Union in 10 weeks are not very well prepared, Ireland’s government warned on Thursday. The Irish economy is considered the...

Deadlock Continues as EU Rebuffs Johnson Bid to Reopen Brexit Deal

Aug 21 2019 // The European Union poured cold water on Boris Johnson’s attempt to renegotiate the Brexit deal, saying the so-called backstop to prevent a hard Irish border — which the British prime minister wants scrapped...

U.K.’s RSA Group Makes Market Move Despite Its Safety from No-Deal Brexit

Aug 20 2019 // RSA Insurance Group Plc is issuing sterling debt well ahead of an October 31 Brexit deadline, even though the U.K. insurer will likely fare better in a disorderly exit than many of its less-diversified peers. The company...

Leaked Document Warned of Fuel, Food, Medicine Shortages If No-Deal Brexit

Aug 19 2019 // Britain will face shortages of fuel, food and medicine if it leaves the European Union without a transition deal, according to leaked official documents reported by the Sunday Times whose interpretation was immediately...

British PM Johnson Targeted by Opposition Campaigns to Block No-Deal Brexit

Aug 15 2019 // Opposition parties launched rival campaigns to topple Prime Minister Boris Johnson and stop him taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal, illustrating fractures in the anti-Brexit movement that make neither...

Britain Will Spend ‘Whatever It Takes’ to Prepare for No-Deal Brexit

Aug 9 2019 // Britain will spend “whatever it takes” before its departure date from the European Union to prepare for the possibility of leaving without a divorce deal, the minister responsible for planning for a no-deal...

UK Aims to Renegotiate a Brexit Deal – with Resistant EU

Jul 30 2019 // UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will spend the next few weeks pressing the European Union to negotiate a better Brexit deal, his office said, while preparing the country to leave the bloc in case he fails. A messy no-deal...

EU Lags Behind Britain in Preparations for No-Deal Brexit: CBI

Jul 29 2019 // The European Union is less prepared for a no-deal Brexit than Britain, potentially leaving British firms at a disadvantage if there is no transition agreement and weakening London’s hand in future trade talks, a...

No-Deal EU Exit ‘Now a Very Real Prospect’, Says Head of Newly Formed Brexit Cabinet

Jul 29 2019 // UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s high-level Brexit cabinet holds its first meeting Monday, and will gather every day to ensure the country leaves the European Union on Oct. 31. Michael Gove, named to a job that...

Risk of No-Deal Brexit Rises as EU Rejects PM Johnson’s Demands for Better Exit Deal

Jul 26 2019 // The scale of the challenge facing Boris Johnson to break Britain’s political deadlock was laid bare in his first days as prime minister, as the European Union immediately rejected his demands for a better Brexit...

UK Lawyers Could Be Forced Out of EU Courts with No-Deal Brexit

Jul 23 2019 // UK lawyers with lucrative careers in European Union law are fighting to save their jobs after the bloc’s top courts warned that a no-deal Brexit would forbid them from representing clients. In an April letter, a...