Latest Brexit Headlines

All the headlines from our Brexit Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Uncertainty over Brexit Takes Toll on UK Financial Services Sector: Survey

Jan 14 2019 // Uncertainty over Brexit and the economy have led demand for Britain’s financial services to shrink for the first time in five years, with no immediate sign of an improvement, a survey by business group CBI and PwC...

EU Lawmakers Seek to Beef Up Financial Services Protections Ahead of Brexit

Jan 10 2019 // The European Union moved a step closer on Thursday to beefing up its regulators to increase safeguards for consumers and create an EU capital market that reduces the bloc’s reliance on Britain’s financial...

If Brexit Deal Is Rejected, UK Would Enter Uncharted Territory: PM May

Jan 7 2019 // Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday [Jan. 6] that Britain would be in uncharted territory if her Brexit deal is rejected by parliament later this month, despite little sign that she has won over skeptical...

U.S. Signs Agreement with UK on Post-Brexit Insurance Regulation

Jan 7 2019 // The U.S. Treasury and U.S. Trade Representative have officially signed an agreement with the United Kingdom to provide insurance regulatory continuity after Britain exits the European Union. The agreement is similar to one...

UK Prime Minister’s Party Opposes Brexit Deal, as Uncertainty Hits Economy

Jan 4 2019 // British Prime Minister Theresa May’s bid to push her Brexit plans through parliament was dealt another blow on Friday when a survey showed most of her own party’s members oppose the agreement and would prefer...

Chubb European Group Completes Redomicile to France in Preparation for Brexit

Jan 2 2019 // Chubb European Group announced it has redomiciled its businesses from London to France, effective Jan. 1, consistent with its previously announced Brexit preparations. The move, which was approved by regulators in July...

Obstacles to May’s Brexit Deal Can Be Overcome with EU Clarification: UK Minister

Dec 28 2018 // Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal can be passed by the British parliament if the European Union provides clarification that the Northern Irish “backstop” will be temporary, foreign minister Jeremy...

UK Business Confidence Sinks as Risk of No-Deal Brexit Grows: Report

Dec 27 2018 // Business leaders’ confidence in the British economy has sunk to its lowest level in more than 18 months as the risk of a no-deal Brexit in a little over three months grows, the Institute of Directors (IoD) said on...

U.S. Signs Agreement with UK Covering lnsurance Regulation Post-Brexit

Dec 21 2018 // As they previously announced they would do, the U.S. Treasury and U.S. Trade Representative have officially signed an agreement with the United Kingdom to provide insurance regulatory continuity after the country exits the...

Most UK Insurers, Banks, Financial Firms Will Lose EU Access with No-Deal Brexit

Dec 20 2018 // Most banking, insurance and other financial firms in Britain would be cut off from the European Union if there is a no-deal Brexit, the bloc’s executive body said on Wednesday. Financial services are Britain’s...

Britain Begins to Ramp Up Planning for No-Deal Brexit

Dec 18 2018 // Britain will begin to put into place plans for an exit from the European Union without any deal in place, with the public and businesses told to prepare now for the eventuality, Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokesman...

Brexit to Cause Irreversible Damage to UK Financial Services, Say Industry Leaders

Dec 12 2018 // Life in London’s financial district will appear little changed when Britain leaves the European Union on March 29, defying predictions of an exodus of high-flyers to rival centers like Paris, Frankfurt and...

Brexit Uncertainties Heighten as UK Prime Minister Faces Vote of No Confidence

Dec 12 2018 // Theresa May will fight for her job as British prime minister after being told she will face a vote of no confidence in her leadership, throwing the U.K. into fresh turmoil and Brexit into disarray. “I will contest...

U.S. Intends to Sign Post-Brexit Insurance Pact with Britain

Dec 11 2018 // The U.S. Treasury and U.S. Trade Representative’s office said on Tuesday they intended to sign a new bilateral insurance agreement with Britain that will provide insurance market regulatory certainty and continuity...

UK Prime Minister Defers Brexit Vote, Raising Risk of No Deal

Dec 10 2018 // Theresa May is playing for time. Faced with a humiliating defeat on her Brexit deal, the embattled U.K. prime minister announced to the House of Commons she would defer a vote and return to Brussels to seek...

UK Can Reverse Brexit Process, Rules Top EU Court

Dec 10 2018 // The U.K. can unilaterally reverse the Brexit process, the European Union’s top court said in a landmark ruling that will fuel the campaign to thwart the divorce on the eve of a possible make or break vote in the...

Post-Brexit Free Trade Would Still See U.K. Insurance Services Exports Fall 19%: Think Tank

Dec 7 2018 // U.K. financial-services exports to the European Union could be 59 percent lower after Brexit, even if Prime Minister Theresa May secures a free-trade agreement, according to the Centre for European Reform. “Any...

EU Court Ruling on U.K. Right to Reverse Brexit Expected Dec. 10

Dec 6 2018 // The European Union’s highest court will on Dec. 10 tell the U.K. whether it should be allowed to unilaterally reverse Brexit, in a landmark ruling that could offer hope to those who want their country to call off the...

EU Court’s Non-Binding Ruling Says U.K. Can Reverse Brexit

Dec 4 2018 // The U.K. should be allowed to reverse Brexit, according to an advisory opinion from the European Union’s top court that will fuel the campaign to thwart the divorce. The opinion, which isn’t binding, comes at a...

UK’s EU Draft Divorce Deal Preferable to No-Deal Brexit, Says FCA

Nov 30 2018 // Britain’s draft divorce settlement with the European Union is preferable to a no-deal Brexit even though this would leave it without a say over EU financial rules, its finance industry watchdog said on Thursday. The...