Latest Brexit Headlines

All the headlines from our Brexit Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Chronic Scarcity of UK Workers Blamed on COVID and, of Course, Brexit

Aug 3 2021 // On the outskirts of the Scottish town of Kirkcaldy is a crop of new houses on their way to completion. There are two large banners pinned to the perimeter fence with a mobile phone number: “Bricklayers...

Update: Britain Unveils Blueprint to ‘Sharpen’ London’s Post-Brexit Competitive Edge

Jul 1 2021 // Britain’s finance minister pledged on Thursday to “sharpen” the competitive advantage of the UK financial services sector as he set out his vision for its future after the City of London lost business to...

Impact of Brexit on City of London Is Worse than Expected: Study

Apr 16 2021 // LONDON – Over 400 financial firms in Britain have shifted activities, staff and a combined trillion pounds ($1.4 trillion) in assets to hubs in the European Union due to Brexit, with more pain to come, a study from New...

Confidence Among UK CFOs Hits Record High, Helped by Vaccinations, Brexit Hopes

Apr 12 2021 // Confidence among big businesses in Britain about their profits in the year ahead has hit a record high, helped by the country’s coronavirus vaccinations and hopes for less Brexit disruption, a survey of chief finance...

What Has Changed After Brexit for London’s Financial Center?

Mar 29 2021 // LONDON — Britain and the European Union agreed a new post-Brexit financial services pact on Friday that will allow them to cooperate on regulation but does little to improve the City of London’s access to the...

Post-Brexit Exodus of Staff and Assets from London to EU Slows

Mar 2 2021 // LONDON – The shift in financial staff and assets from the City of London to the European Union because of Brexit has eased after Britain completed its full departure from the bloc, a tracker from consultants EY showed on...

Britain Reviews Rulebooks to Keep Financial Services Sector Competitive After Brexit

Feb 25 2021 // Britain is conducting a review of its financial rulebooks and policies to see how it can keep its 130 billion pound ($184 billion) finance sector competitive after Brexit left it largely cut off from the European...

About 1,000 EU Finance Firms, Such as Insurers, Eye Post-Brexit Outposts in UK

Feb 22 2021 // Around 1,000 European Union finance firms are expected to open their first offices in the UK after losing their passporting rights because of Brexit. Roughly two-thirds of the 1,500 money managers, payment firms and...

Brexit Boosts Amsterdam Ahead of London as Europe’s Top Stock Trading Center

Feb 11 2021 // Amsterdam has displaced London as Europe’s biggest share trading center after Britain left the European Union’s single market, and picked up a chunk of UK derivatives business along the way, according to data...

UK Insurers Not Likely to See Cuts in Capital Requirements After Brexit: Bank of England

Feb 10 2021 // The Bank of England told insurers on Wednesday not to expect any big reduction in capital requirements after Brexit, adding that more capital could be “part of the answer” to meeting a 1.7 billion pound bill...

Many UK Companies Report Difficulties with Post-Brexit Trade Arrangements: HSBC

Feb 5 2021 // LONDON – Around 40% of British companies that import and export said the shift to a new trading arrangement with the European Union had made trade more cumbersome last month, a survey showed on Thursday. The report from...

UK Businesses Are Being Hit with Post-Brexit Delays, Bureaucracy – And Higher Costs

Feb 1 2021 // Truckloads of British pig meat waiting to be shipped to Germany and stuffed into bratwursts perished at UK ports this month while stuck in line for customs clearance. It’s a story that barely made a ripple in the UK,...

UK Businesses Face Miles of Red Tape with New Brexit Border Rules

Jan 12 2021 // While the mile-long lines of trucks have dissipated at ports, UK businesses are waking up to less visible forms of friction at the border with the European Union that may cause more enduring damage. From health...

Brexit Ends Britons’ Right to Live and Work in EU – And Travel Insurance Is Essential

Dec 30 2020 // LONDON (AP) – So far, the large majority of British and EU citizens have not felt the realities of Brexit. Though the UK left the European Union on Jan. 31, it follows the bloc’s rules until the end of this year as...

European Freight Forwarders Reject UK Deliveries on Fears of Post-Brexit Border Chaos

Dec 30 2020 // European freight forwarders are rejecting contracts to take loads into the UK due to fears the chaos at Dover could be repeated post-Brexit. Transporeon, a German software company that monitors real-time data on freight...

Cross-Border Workers in Gibraltar to Retain Free Movement with Spain After Brexit

Dec 29 2020 // MADRID – Cross-border workers who commute between Gibraltar and Spain will be exempt from border controls after Brexit even if no agreement on free movement is reached with Britain, Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha...

What Will Brexit Trade Deal Mean for City of London?

Dec 28 2020 // LONDON – Britain, which left the European Union in January, loses full access to the bloc under transition arrangements that end at 2300 GMT on Dec. 31. The 27-nation EU is Britain’s biggest financial services...

EU and UK Clinch Narrow Brexit Deal, Just Days Before Transition Period Expires

Dec 24 2020 // Britain clinched a narrow Brexit trade deal with the European Union on Thursday, just seven days before it exits one of the world’s biggest trading blocs in its most significant global shift since the loss of...

Brexit Trade Deal Talks Enter ‘Final Stages’

Dec 23 2020 // BRUSSELS – Britain and the European Union are close to clinching a Brexit trade deal, diplomats said on Wednesday and, while it could still be days away, it appears that the estranged allies will avoid a turbulent...

Brexit Trade Talks in ‘Final Push’ to Resolve Rift over Fishing Rights

Dec 22 2020 // BRUSSELS/LONDON — The European Union is giving a “final push” in a bid to strike a Brexit trade deal with Britain, the bloc’s chief negotiator said on Tuesday. Britain is set to complete its...