Latest China Headlines

All the headlines from our China Topic Page, ordered by recency.

IMF Raises 2010 World Wide GDP Forecast; Flags European Risks

Jul 8 2010 // The International Monetary Fund upgraded its 2010 global growth forecast on Thursday, citing robust expansion in Asia and renewed U.S. private demand, but warned the euro area’s debt crisis posed a big risk to...

Residential Contractor Umbrellas: Tough Sell in Tough Times

Jul 8 2010 // Residential construction is and has been an extremely important class of business for surplus lines insurers and agents. In recent years, however, demand for residential work in this country has dropped dramatically....

Lloyd’s Foresees Further Growth in China from Grant of Direct License

Jul 7 2010 // Lloyd’s managing agents are predicting their businesses will get a big boost from the market being granted a licence to write direct insurance in China [See IJ web site –...

Chubb to Open Branch in Nanjing

Jul 6 2010 // The Chubb Corporation announced that the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) has granted approval to its wholly owned subsidiary, Chubb Insurance (China) Company Limited, to establish a branch in Nanjing, Jiangsu...

Florida Jury Awards $2.4 Million in First Chinese Drywall Trial

Jul 5 2010 // A Florida couple who fled their dream home because of foul-smelling, ruinous Chinese drywall was awarded $2.4 million in damages in America’s first jury trial over the defective wallboard that could have legal...

Florida Jury Awards $2.4 Million in First Chinese Drywall Trial

Jun 23 2010 // A Florida couple who fled their dream home because of foul-smelling, ruinous Chinese drywall was awarded $2.4 million in damages last Friday in America’s first jury trial over the defective wallboard that could have...

Knauf, Plaintiffs Agree to Settlements in Chinese Drywall Cases

Jun 23 2010 // A couple of cases related to damages caused by defective Chinese-manufactured drywall have reached settlement in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana. According to a court document signed by Judge Eldon...

150 Reported Dead, Millions Homeless in China Floods; RMS Report

Jun 22 2010 // Risk Management Solutions latest report on heavy floods in southern China indicate that at least 150 people have died, thousands of homes have been destroyed, and over a million residents have been forced to evacuate, as...

Death Toll Rises to 132 in Southern China Floods; 860,000 Flee Homes

Jun 21 2010 // Massive flooding in southern China has killed 132 people and forced 860,000 to flee their homes, and more storms were forecast, the government said Sunday. Another 86 people are missing and more than 10 million people have...

Umbrellas for Residential Contractors in Uncertain Times

Jun 21 2010 // Why Commercial Umbrella Coverage Could Save the Day Residential construction is and has been an extremely important class of business for surplus lines insurers and agents. In recent years, however, demand for residential...

Florida Jury Gets Chinese Drywall Case

Jun 18 2010 // A jury in Florida is set to begin deliberations in a lawsuit over the damages owed to owners of a house built with defective Chinese drywall. Attorneys say the verdict in the case of Armin and Lisa Seifart of Miami will...

Bill to Ban Chinese Drywall Cancellations Approved in Louisiana

Jun 17 2010 // A ban on insurance companies dropping coverage of homeowners who have found corrosive Chinese drywall in their homes is headed to Gov. Bobby Jindal after getting final legislative passage. The bill by Rep. Julie Quinn,...

G20 Finance Ministers Don’t Even Try to ‘Spin’ Impact of Europe’s Debt Crisis

Jun 7 2010 // Finance ministers can usually be relied upon to put the best spin on whatever is happening to the global economy. Not at this weekend’s Group of 20 meeting in Busan. The two days of talks were remarkable for...

Judge: Policy Didn’t Cover Chinese Drywall Damage

Jun 7 2010 // An insurance company doesn’t have to pay for damages at a Virginia man’s home ruined by Chinese-made, sulfur-emitting drywall, a decision by a federal judge Thursday that could affect how lawsuits by thousands...

Homebuilder, Manufacturer Worried About Chinese Drywall in 2006

Jun 2 2010 // A leading East Coast homebuilder worried about the malodorous Chinese drywall it was using in Florida homes in 2006, but didn’t alert most of its customers or government officials, according to court documents. The...

New Florida Law Adjusts Property Assessments for Drywall Effects

Jun 2 2010 // Florida Governor Charlie Crist today signed legislation making properties affected by imported or domestic drywall eligible for an adjustment of their assessed value. The bill, HB 965, applies to the 2010 and subsequent...

WTO Questions China’s Export Barriers

Jun 1 2010 // China’s curbs on exports of some raw materials to conserve resources may not meet the stated goals, while giving Chinese manufacturers an unfair advantage, the World Trade Organization said on Monday. The remarks, in...

Bill Targeting Chinese Drywall Advances in Louisiana House

May 27 2010 // The insurance industry continues to lose its battle against a proposed ban on property insurers dropping or changing coverage because of corrosive Chinese-made drywall. The proposal will be debated by the full House after...

U.S. Trade Chief Urges China to Lower Barriers

May 25 2010 // Potential Chinese moves to lower trade barriers could be as important as exchange rate reforms in easing economic strains with the United States, Washington’s top trade negotiator said as the two powers entered a...

Concern over China’s Protectionism at 10 Year High Says U.S. Chamber

May 24 2010 // Concern among U.S. companies that China is backtracking on opening its economy are at a 10-year high, the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said on Monday. Chamber President and Chief Executive Thomas Donohue said...