Latest Data Privacy Headlines

All the headlines from our Data Privacy Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Tech Giants, Chamber Offer Views on National Consumer Privacy Rules

Sep 14 2018 // Two technology trade groups on Wednesday released proposals for national consumer privacy regulations, adding to the chorus of businesses seeking to influence the growing momentum for stricter rules on how companies handle...

Mississippi Supreme Court Says Privacy Suit Against Google Can Continue

Sep 3 2018 // Mississippi’s Supreme Court says a state lawsuit against Google alleging violations of student privacy should stay in a northeast Mississippi court. The court voted 6-2 Aug. 9 to deny an appeal by the unit of...

Mississippi Supreme Court Allows Privacy Suit Against Google to Move Forward

Aug 16 2018 // Mississippi’s Supreme Court says a state lawsuit against Google alleging violations of student privacy should stay in a northeast Mississippi court. The court voted 6-2 Aug. 9 to deny an appeal by the unit of...

Five Takeaways from California’s Watershed Privacy Law

Aug 6 2018 // California recently enacted a sweeping new privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, which is likely to have broad implications for organizations providing services to, or collecting data from, California...

Concerns Mount over Data Privacy Guidelines Set by Genetic-Testing Companies

Aug 3 2018 // Genetic-testing companies that have decoded the DNA of millions just introduced new guidelines to protect data privacy. But those best practices failed to address a major concern: what happens to customers’ data that...

India Weighs Comprehensive Data Privacy Bill, Similar to EU’s GDPR

Jul 31 2018 // A draft of a sweeping data privacy bill has been submitted to India’s government that, if enacted, will restrict the transfer and storage of information on more than 1 billion people by global technology corporations...

Five Key Takeaways from California’s Watershed Privacy Law

Jul 27 2018 // California recently enacted a sweeping new privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, which is likely to have broad implications for organizations providing services to, or collecting data from, California...

Facebook Faces £500,000 Fine in UK over Cambridge Analytica Data Privacy Violations

Jul 11 2018 // Facebook Inc. could be fined a symbolic 500,000 pounds ($664,000) by the U.K.’s privacy regulator after the social network giant failed to prevent key user data falling into the hands of a political consultancy that...

Facebook in Australia Faces Potential Class Action Suit over Data Privacy Breaches

Jul 10 2018 // Litigation funder IMF Bentham Ltd is preparing to potentially sue social media giant Facebook Inc in Australia over its sharing of users’ data with political consultancy Cambridge Analytica. The world’s largest...

World’s Largest Tech Companies May Be Violating EU’s New Data Privacy Law

Jul 5 2018 // Some of the world’s largest technology companies might be breaking the European Union’s new data privacy law, according to an analysis of their policies conducted by artificial intelligence...

California’s Data Privacy Law a Concern, Opportunity for Insurance Industry

Jul 3 2018 // California is on track to have what will be the nation’s most far-reaching law to give consumers more control over their personal data. The new law may be both a big concern, as well as a new and important...

Far-Reaching Data Privacy Bill Approved in California

Jul 2 2018 // California will soon have what experts call the nation’s most far-reaching law to give consumers more control over their personal data under a bill the governor has signed. The law will compel companies to tell...

GDPR Day 1: A New Era in Data Privacy Begins

May 25 2018 // From tech giant Facebook Inc. to libraries and schools, organizations are now subject to the world’s most far-reaching data privacy regulation in a crackdown aimed at protecting people from losing control over their...

Microsoft to Extend EU Data Privacy Rights Globally. Facebook, Google Not Quite.

May 24 2018 // Microsoft promised this week to give users worldwide the same data and privacy rights Europeans will get under new regulations there. That’s in contrast to some of its tech rivals, who are hedging on how much privacy...

How Data Privacy Laws Could Hamper Insurance Underwriting

May 24 2018 // Complying with the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation is leading insurers and reinsurers to dilute the types of data they gather—something that could diminish underwriting quality, A.M. Best...

Businesses, Big and Small, Come to Terms with New Data Privacy Law

May 23 2018 // Lisa Meyer’s London hair salon is a cozy place where her mother serves homemade macaroons, children climb on chairs and customers chat above the whirr of hairdryers. Most of the time Meyer is focused on hairstyles,...

EU’s Data Privacy Law Places AI Use in Insurance Under Closer Scrutiny

May 22 2018 // Regulators are beginning to teach robots who’s the boss. After spending billions of dollars on cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, Europe’s banks and insurers face tougher scrutiny of the tools...

Europe’s New Data Privacy Law Boosts Cyber Insurance Sales

May 22 2018 // Data privacy rules coming into force this week are giving Europe’s fledgling cyber insurance market a boost as they make companies more aware of the risks caused by customer information breaches. Europe’s...

Data Privacy Risks as Digital Identity Moves to Biometrics, Blockchain

May 21 2018 // A retail store’s ability to authenticate customers by scanning their unique ear or retinal patterns may seem like something out of a sci-fi movie, but this type of identification technology isn’t...

With Just Weeks to Go for GDPR, Europe’s Regulators Say They’re Underfunded, Unprepared

May 9 2018 // FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS/PARIS— Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been billed as the biggest shake-up of data privacy laws since the birth of the web. There’s one problem: many of the...