Latest Earthquake Headlines

All the headlines from our Earthquake Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Illinois School Damaged by Earthquake

May 5 2008 // The 5.2 magnitude earthquake that struck the Midwest last month has caused damage to a gym at an elementary school in East Alton,. Ill. Officials at Eastwood elementary School have roped off the gym with yellow caution...

California Earthquake: Damage Predictions of ‘Big One’ Get Bigger

May 5 2008 // A new report is predicting that a repeat of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake would damage more than 90,000 buildings and cost $150 billion to repair. According to the report, “When the Big One Strikes...

On Shaky Ground

May 5 2008 // There have been a lot of rumblings lately — with scientists recording earthquakes in Nevada, Oregon and throughout the Midwest ranging from magnitudes 4.7 to 5.4. The U.S. Geological survey recently noted that...

Earthquakes Raise Questions of Future Shocks, Public Readiness

May 5 2008 // Just weeks after earthquakes rattled Nevada, the Midwest and the coast of Oregon, and on the heels of the 102nd anniversary of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake, the public, government officials and insurance industry...

Earthquakes Shake Reno, Bigger Quake Could be Coming

May 5 2008 // Two moderate earthquakes shook the Mogul-Somerset area just west of Reno, Nev., on April 24, 2008, according to the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. While there were no immediate reports of damage, the laboratory predicts...

Earthquake Raises Questions About Coverage, Construction Codes

May 5 2008 // Weeks after a 5.2 level earthquake rocked the Midwest from Cairo, Ill., to Atlanta, Ga., geologists and the insurance industry are still discussing the impact of the quake — such as increases in the purchase of...

Magnitude-5.2 Earthquake Hits Northern California

May 1 2008 // A moderate earthquake hit a mountainous region of Northern California on Tuesday night. There are no immediate reports or injury or damage. The magnitude-5.2 temblor struck at 8:03 p.m., centered about 11 miles southeast...

Earthquake Expert Honored in Utah for Lifetime of Service

May 1 2008 // A University of Utah earthquake expert received a lifetime achievement award from the Western States Seismic Policy Council. Walter Arabasz got the award last week at a national earthquake conference in Seattle. He is...

Nevada Governor Urges Citizens to Prepare for Any Emergency

Apr 30 2008 // Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons encouraged citizens throughout the state to prepare for emergencies by building an emergency kit, developing a family response plan and ensuring they maintain access to communications networks...

Nevada Residents Warned Bigger Earthquake Could be Coming

Apr 28 2008 // Scientists urged residents of northern Nevada’s largest city to prepare for a bigger event as the area continued rumbling Saturday after the largest earthquake in a two-month-long series of temblors. More than 100...

Aftershocks of Midwest Earthquake Expected for Weeks to Come

Apr 28 2008 // Geologists who gathered a week after a 5.2-magnitude earthquake shook the Midwest said they expect mild aftershocks to rattle the region for several weeks. The latest aftershock, a 3.7 magnitude temblor, was felt in...

Earthquakes Shake Reno, Nevada

Apr 25 2008 // Two moderate earthquakes shook the Mogul-Somerset area just west of Reno, Nev., on April 24, 2008, according to the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. While there were no immediate reports of damage, the Laboratory predicts...

Earthquake Raises Questions about Coverage, Construction Codes

Apr 25 2008 // Two weeks after a 5.2 level earthquake rocked the Midwest from Cairo to Atlanta, geologists and the industry are still discussing the impact of the quake–such as increases in the purchase of earthquake...

Midwest Earthquake Spurs Renewed Interest in Purchasing Insurance

Apr 23 2008 // Eastern Missouri residents are scrambling to get earthquake insurance after last week’s 5.2 magnitude trembler rattled windows and shook houses. But they are finding out there’s a waiting period for coverage,...

Scientists Say Midwest Earthquakes Poorly Understood

Apr 22 2008 // Scientists say they know far too little about Midwestern seismic zones like the one that rumbled to life under southern Illinois Friday (April 18) morning, but some of what they do know is unnerving. The fault zones...

USGS: Earthquakes Serious Threat in 46 States, Ups Risks in Washington, Oregon

Apr 22 2008 // Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have updated the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps, and noted that earthquakes remain a serious threat in 46 of the United States. For some areas such as western Oregon and...

San Francisco Hosts 100th Earthquake Conference, Predicts What If Scenarios

Apr 18 2008 // More than 2,500 delegates from around the world gathered in commemoration of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake at the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference — the largest earthquake conference ever held —...

Lloyd’s Warns on Europe Quake Risks

Apr 18 2008 // The early morning earthquake that struck Market Rasen in Lincolnshire recently was literally a wake-up call for many people. (See IJ web site –...

Earthquake Rocks Illinois; Causes Minor Damage in Several States

Apr 18 2008 // An earthquake that measured 5.2 on the Richter Scale rocked buildings in Chicago and damaged roads in Ohio and Kentucky. The quake hit Friday morning at 4:37 a.m. The epicenter was in the town of West Salem, Ill., which is...

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner: Check Policy for Earthquake Coverage

Apr 18 2008 // The earthquake that struck the Midwest today should serve as a reminder to many Mississippians that they too are at risk for earthquake damage. Mississippi Commissioner of Insurance Mike Chaney urges all Mississippians to...