Latest Earthquake Headlines

All the headlines from our Earthquake Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Study says Californians unmotivated to prepare for next disaster

Mar 20 2006 // Californians believe that their state is prone to disasters, but they see little motivation to prepare for nature’s crushing blows, a new poll has found. The poll, sponsored by the Insurance Information Network of...

Earthquakes, floods and wildfires … oh my!

Mar 20 2006 // “First and foremost, have some sort of plan. It doesn’t have to be a million dollar plan for the smaller operators but communication needs to be spelled out.” – David Losson In the wake of Hurricane...

Insurers’ Photography Tells Story of ’06 San Francisco Quake

Mar 7 2006 // Finding old photographs to mark the centennial of California’s 1906 “Great Quake” and fire was the easy part of Corey Keller’s job as an assistant curator at the San Francisco Museum of Modern...

Incentives could improve earthquake protection

Mar 6 2006 // There are opportunities to make California more earthquake-safe, according to the Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS). At the recent meeting of the Little Hoover Commission, a state oversight agency that...

Study Says Californians Unmotivated to Prepare for Next Disaster

Mar 2 2006 // Californians believe that their state is prone to disasters, but see little motivation to prepare for nature’s crushing blows, a new poll has found. The poll, sponsored by the Insurance Information Network of...

IBHS Calls for Incentives to Improve Calif. Earthquake Protection

Feb 24 2006 // There are clear opportunities for California to promote incentives to make homes and businesses safer from earthquakes, according to the Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS). At the Feb. 23 meeting of the...

RMS: 500,000 Japanese Dead Possible in Avian Flu Pandemic Outbreak

Jan 26 2006 // Risk Management Solutions Inc. (RMS) released the findings of an in-depth study that provides life and personal accident insurers in Japan with key benchmarks for the potential risk of human casualties from catastrophic...

Swiss Re Revisits the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire

Jan 18 2006 // Swiss Re has released “A shake in insurance history — The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake,” to mark the centennial of the catastrophe. The reinsurer notes that it was “an event that altered the course...

Calif. Commissioner Reminds Consumers to Update Disaster Plans on Northridge Earthquake Anniversary

Jan 17 2006 // Calif. Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi on Monday urged Californians to prepare for future emergencies, noting that the devastating Northridge earthquake, which struck twelve years ago today, left many unprepared...

AIR Worldwide and ISO (U.K.) Open Representative Office in Beijing

Jan 10 2006 // AIR Worldwide Corporation and Insurance Services Office Limited, the U.K.-based provider of personal injury claims and anti-fraud insurance services and solutions, announced the opening of the AIR Worldwide Corporation...

Minor Earthquake Hits Illinois, Tremors Reported in Indiana, Kentucky

Jan 4 2006 // A minor earthquake hit a small town in southern Illinois yesterday, raising questions again about the threat of a major earthquake for states sitting on or near the New Madrid fault line. The quake struck yesterday at 3:48...

Despite concerns, new study shows no shift in Midwest faults

Jan 1 2006 // The earth under the New Madrid Seismic Zone either isn’t shifting or is barely shifting at all, say three independent university analyses of a global positioning system stations stuck in the ground and monitored for...

Details of PXRE’s Securitzation for “Second Event Protection”

Dec 27 2005 // Bermuda’s PXRE Group Ltd. has given details of its $250 million collateralized transaction with Atlantic & Western Re II Limited, a Cayman Island reinsurance company. The agreement is designed to provide...

Estimates in Swiss Re <em>sigma</em> Study Confirm 2005 as Costliest Ever

Dec 21 2005 // Ever since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, 2005 looked certain to be a record-breaking year for insured losses. Swiss Re’s newly issued sigma report has now confirmed the sad fact. According to preliminary...


Dec 19 2005 // Barely four out of every 10 Missouri homeowners carry earthquake insurance, a cause of concern cited as Gov. Matt Blunt heard briefings on the state’s earthquake preparations. Blunt held a closed-door Cabinet meeting...

Preparing for Worst, Cat Modelers Say More Destruction Ahead

Dec 19 2005 // Florida has survived eight hurricanes in 15 months, but more destruction is coming, according to risk modeling companies and economists speaking at the National Catastrophe In-surance Summit in Burlingame,...

Calif. Court Rules in Favor of Earthquake Policyholders

Dec 18 2005 // An insurance broker was a representative for the California Fair Plan Insurance Co. with regard to the Northridge earthquake revival statute, which gave policyholders another year to file lawsuits against their insurers in...

News Briefs

Dec 18 2005 // MISSOURI Insurer to Pay $8 Million: State Farm Insurance has been ordered to pay more than $8 million to a tow truck driver and his sister-in-law who were acquitted of insurance fraud after being accused of faking the...

Preparing for Worst, Cat Modelers Say More Destruction Ahead

Dec 18 2005 // Florida has survived eight hurricanes in 15 months, but more destruction is coming, according to risk modeling companies and economists speaking at the National Catastrophe In-surance Summit in Burlingame,...

Calif. Unprepared for Tsunami

Dec 13 2005 // Tsunami waves generated by a large offshore earthquake would threaten at least 1 million coastal residents in California and inundate the nation’s largest port complex, according to a new report. The study, released...